dicOR1 {bqror} | R Documentation |
Deviance Information Criterion in the OR1 model
Function for computing the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) in the OR1 model (ordinal quantile model with 3 or more outcomes).
dicOR1(y, x, betadraws, deltadraws, postMeanbeta, postMeandelta, burn, mcmc, p)
y |
observed ordinal outcomes, column vector of size |
x |
covariate matrix of size |
betadraws |
dataframe of the MCMC draws of |
deltadraws |
dataframe of the MCMC draws of |
postMeanbeta |
posterior mean of the MCMC draws of |
postMeandelta |
posterior mean of the MCMC draws of |
burn |
number of burn-in MCMC iterations. |
mcmc |
number of MCMC iterations, post burn-in. |
p |
quantile level or skewness parameter, p in (0,1). |
Deviance is -2*(log likelihood) and has an important role in statistical model comparison because of its relation with Kullback-Leibler information criterion.
This function provides the DIC, which can be used to compare two or more models at the same quantile. The model with a lower DIC provides a better fit.
Returns a list with components
Spiegelhalter, D. J., Best, N. G., Carlin, B. P. and Linde, A. (2002). '"Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit."' Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, Part 4: 583-639. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9868.00353
Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S., and Rubin, D. B. '"Bayesian Data Analysis."' 2nd Edition, Chapman and Hall. DOI: 10.1002/sim.1856
See Also
decision criteria
y <- data25j4$y
xMat <- data25j4$x
k <- dim(xMat)[2]
J <- dim(as.array(unique(y)))[1]
b0 <- array(rep(0, k), dim = c(k, 1))
B0 <- 10*diag(k)
d0 <- array(0, dim = c(J-2, 1))
D0 <- 0.25*diag(J - 2)
output <- quantregOR1(y = y, x = xMat, b0, B0, d0, D0,
burn = 10, mcmc = 40, p = 0.25, tune = 1, accutoff = 0.5, maxlags = 400, verbose = FALSE)
mcmc <- 40
deltadraws <- output$deltadraws
betadraws <- output$betadraws
burn <- 0.25*mcmc
nsim <- burn + mcmc
postMeanbeta <- output$postMeanbeta
postMeandelta <- output$postMeandelta
dic <- dicOR1(y, xMat, betadraws, deltadraws,
postMeanbeta, postMeandelta, burn, mcmc, p = 0.25)
# 1375.329
# pd
# 139.1751
# dev
# 1096.979