Bayesian Projected Normal Regression Models for Circular Data

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Documentation for package ‘bpnreg’ version 2.0.3

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BFc Bayes Factors
BFc.bpnme Bayes Factors for a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
BFc.bpnr Bayes Factors for a Bayesian circular regression model
bpnme Fit a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
bpnr Fit a Bayesian circular regression model
circ_coef Compute circular coefficients from linear coefficients
circ_coef_rcpp Compute circular coefficients
coef_circ Circular coefficients
coef_circ.bpnme Obtain the circular coefficients of a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
coef_circ.bpnr Obtain the circular coefficients of a Bayesian circular regression model
coef_lin Linear coefficients
coef_lin.bpnme Obtain the linear coefficients of a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
coef_lin.bpnr Obtain the linear coefficients of a Bayesian circular regression model
coef_ran Random effect variances
coef_ran.bpnme Obtain random effect variances of a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
DIC_reg Compute Model Fit Measures Regression Model
eigen_val Compute Eigenvalues
eigen_vec Compute Eigenvectors
fit Model fit
fit.bpnme Model fit for a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
fit.bpnr Model fit for a Bayesian circular regression model
hmode Estimate the mode by finding the highest posterior density interval
hmodeC Estimate the mode by finding the highest posterior density interval
hmodeci Find the highest density interval.
hmodeciC Find the highest density interval of a circular variable
hpd_est Compute the 95 percent HPD of a vector of linear data
hpd_est_circ Compute the 95 percent HPD of a vector of circular data
lik_me Compute the Likelihood of the PN distribution (mixed effects)
lik_reg Compute the Likelihood of the PN distribution (regression)
Maps The geometry of human knowledge of navigation space.
mean_circ Compute the mean of a vector of circular data
mmme Create model matrices for a circular mixed-effects regression model
mmr Create model matrices circular regression
mode_est Compute the mode of a vector of linear data
mode_est_circ Compute the mode of a vector of circular data
Motor Phase differences in hand flexion-extension movements.
mvrnorm_arma_eigen Sample from a multivariate normal distribution
pnme A Gibbs sampler for a projected normal mixed-effects model
pnr A Gibbs sampler for a projected normal regression model
print.bpnme Print output from a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
print.bpnr Print output from a Bayesian circular regression model
rho Compute a mean resultant length
rho_circ Compute the mean resultant length of a vector of circular data
sd_circ Compute the standard deviation of a vector of circular data
slice_rcpp A slice sampler for the latent lengths r
theta_bar Compute a mean direction
traceplot Traceplots
traceplot.bpnme Traceplots for a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
traceplot.bpnr Traceplots for a Bayesian circular regression model