Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals for (Negative) Likelihood Ratio Tests

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Documentation for package ‘bootLR’ version 1.0.2

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BayesianLR.test Compute the (positive/negative) likelihood ratio with appropriate, bootstrapped confidence intervals
bca Internal function to analyze LR bootstrap finding median, and standard and BCa percentile 95 To obtain bca CI on a non-boot result, use a dummy boot. and replace t and t0 with the results of interest.
confusionStatistics Compute sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio, negative likelihood ratio for a single 2x2 table
diagCI Compute values and confidence intervals for sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio, negative likelihood ratio for a single 2x2 table
drawMaxedOut Internal function to draw a set of sensitivities or specificities This is intended for the case where testPos == totalDzPos or testNeg == totalDzNeg.
medianConsistentlyOne Find the lowest population probability whose median is consistently one This is the lowest estimate for Sens that is consistently (over 5 runs) most likely to yield a sample estimate that is all 1's (e.g. 100/100, etc.).
print.diagCI Prints results from diagCI As is typical for R, this is run automatically when you type in an object name, and is typically not run directly by the end-user.
print.lrtest Prints results from the BayesianLR.test As is typical for R, this is run automatically when you type in an object name, and is typically not run directly by the end-user.
run.BayesianLR.test The actual function that runs the test. BayesianLR.test is a wrapper that runs this with ever-looser tolerances.
sequentialGridSearch Optimize a function returning a single numeric value subject to a boolean constraint Utilizes a naive recursive grid search.