bootImpute {bootImpute} | R Documentation |
Bootstrap then impute an incomplete dataset
Bootstraps an incomplete dataset and then imputes each bootstrap a number
of times. The resulting list of bootstrapped then imputed datasets can
be analysed with bootImputeAnalyse
nBoot = 200,
nImp = 2,
nCores = 1,
seed = NULL,
obsdata |
The data frame to be imputed. |
impfun |
A function which when passed an incomplete dataset will return a list of imputed data frames. |
nBoot |
The number of bootstrap samples to take. It is recommended
that you use a minimum of 200. If you specify |
nImp |
The number of times to impute each bootstrap sample. Two is recommended. |
nCores |
The number of CPU cores to use. If specified greater than one,
seed |
Random number seed. |
... |
Other parameters that are to be passed through to |
The impfun
must be a function which when passed an incomplete datasets
and possibly additional arguments, returns a list of (e.g. 2) imputed datasets.
The number of imputed datasets that impfun
returns should match the value
you specify for the argument nImp
. Depending on what your imputation function
returns by default, you may need to write a small wrapper function that calls
the imputation procedure and returns the list of nImp
datasets.See the
Example for an illustration with the mice
To improve computation times, bootImpute
now supports
multiple cores through the nCores
argument which uses the parallel
A list of imputed datasets.
#this example shows how you can use bootImpute to impute using the mice
#package. If you do want to impute using MICE you can instead use the
#bootMice function, which essentially contains the code below
#write a wrapper function to call mice generating M imputations
impM <- function(inputData,M) {
miceImps <- mice::mice(inputData, m=M)
imps <- vector("list", M)
for (i in 1:M) {
imps[[i]] <- mice::complete(miceImps,i)
#bootstrap twice and impute each twice
#in practice you should bootstrap many more times, e.g. at least 200
#note you have to tell bootImpute how many imputations per bootstrap in
#nImp=2 and also pass through whatever your imp function argument is called
#for specifying number of imputations, which here is M=2.
imps <- bootImpute(ex_linquad, impM, nBoot=2, nImp=2, M=2, seed=564764)