Methods for Fixed-Income Valuation, Risk and Return

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Documentation for package ‘bondAnalyst’ version 1.0.1

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aiActDtCon Calculates the accrued interest with actual-by-actual day convention.
aiRoundedDaysConv Calculates the accrued interest with 30-by-360, day convention.
annualYtmZcbForPeriodicity Calculates annual Yield-To-Maturity (YTM) of Zero-Coupon Bond with given Price and given Maturity Value for various values of Periodicity.
approxMacDurationUsingApprModifDuration Calculates the Approximated Macaulay duration using the Approximate Modified Duration and Yield-To-Maturity.
approxModifDuration Calculates the Approximate Modified Duration.
bondPriceDefCoupon Calculates the Price of Bond making Deficient Coupon Payments.
bondPriceExcessCoupon Calculates the Price of Bond making Excess Coupon Payments.
bondPriceYearlyCoupons Calculates Present Value or the Price of the Bond paying Annual Coupons.
changePvFullBondPrice Calculates estimated change in the Full Price of the Bond (in currency units) for a given Money Duration and a given change in the Yield-To-Maturity.
computingAORMoneyMarketInstr Calculates Add-on Rate (AOR) of Money Market Instruments.
computingBondPVBP Calculates Price Value of a Basis Point (PVBP) for the Bond.
computingBondYtmRateFiveDecimalPlaces Calculates the Yield-To-Maturity (value up to five decimal places) of the Bond paying Annual Coupons.
computingBondYtmRateSixDecimalPlaces Calculates the Yield-To-Maturity (value up to six decimal places) of the Bond paying Annual Coupons.
computingGspread Calculates the G-Spread which is the spread between the yields-to-maturity on the corporate bond and that of government bond having the same maturity.
computingParRate Calculates Par Rate using the given Spot Rates.
computingQuotedDiscRateMMI Calculates Discount Rate of Money Market Instrument.
computingYTC Calculates Yield-To-Call (YTC).
computingZspread Calculates Z-Spread.
convertAPRtoDifferentPeriodcity Converting an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) from a periodicity of 2 to another periodicity of 4, 12, or 1.
discMarginFRN Calculates Discount Margin of a Floating-Rate Note (FRN).
disCouponPmtsBond Calculates Discounted Value of Coupon Payments of the Bond using Market Discount Rate or the Required Rate of Return.
disMaturityValBond Calculates the Discounted Value of the the Par Value of the Bond or the amount to be paid at the maturity of the Bond using the Market Discount Rate.
earZcbVariousPeriodicity Calculates Effective Annual Rate (EAR) of a Zero-Coupon Bond for various values of Periodicity.
effDurtnCallableBond Calculates the Effective Duration statistic of a Callable Bond.
estimatedPercentChangePVFullPrice Calculates the percentage change in Full Price of the Bond for a given a change in its Yield-To-Maturity and Modified Duration statistic.
extraCompensationForHigherRisk Calculates desired extra compensation (in terms of bps) for a risky Bond as compared Annual Percentage Rate(APR) of a comparable Bond.
forwards Calculates Yearly Forward Rates using the given Spot Rates.
frPricing Calculates Bond Price using the Forward Rate Input.
fvMmiUsingQuotedDiscRate Calculates Future Value of Money Market Instruments using the given Discount Rate.
fvMoneyMarketInstrUsingAOR Calculates Future Value of Money Market Instrument using Add-on Rate (AOR)
macDuration Calculates Macaulay Duration of a traditional Fixed-Rate Bond.
macDurationOnCouponRate #'Calculates Macaulay Duration using the Coupon Rate and Yield-To-Maturity.
macDurationOnFP Calculates Macaulay Duration using the Full Price of the Bond and Yield-To-Maturity.
matrixMethod Calculate Present Value or the Price of illiquid Bond using Matrix Method.
modifDuration Calculates Modified Duration statistic of a traditional Fixed-Rate Bond.
modifDurationUsingMacDuration Calculates Modified Duration using the Macaulay Duration and Yield-To-Maturity.
moneyDuration Calculates Money Duration of a Bond.
periodicDiscRateFRN Calculates periodic discount rate of a Floating-Rate Note (FRN).
pricingCommercialPaper Calculates Price of Commercial Paper.
pricingFRN Calculates Price of a Floating-Rate Note (FRN).
pricingMoneyMarketInstrUsingAOR Calculates Price of Money Market Instruments using Add-on Rate (AOR)
pricingQtrlyCpnBond Calculates Present Value or the Price of the Bond paying Quarterly Coupons.
pricingSaCpnBond Calculates Present Value or the Price of the Bond paying semi-annual Coupons.
pricingTbill Calculates Price of a Treasury bill (T-bill).
pricingWithGspread Calculates Bond Price using given values of G-Spread and yield-to-maturity for the government benchmark bond.
pricingWithSpots Calculate Present Value or the Price of the Bond using Spot Rates.
pricingWithSptSeq Calculate Present Value or the Price of the Bond using two different Sequences of Spot Rates.
pricingWithZspread Calculates Bond Price using the given value of a Z-Spread and spot rates taken from the spots curve.
pricingZeroCouponBond Calculates the Price of a Zero-Coupon Bond.
pvCouponDeficiency Calculates the Present Value of the Deficiency as result of lower Coupon Payments as compared that of the Market.
pvExcessCoupon Calculates the Present Value of the Excess Coupon Payment resulting due to higher Coupon Rate as compared the Market Discount Rate.
pvFullPrice Calculates Present Value of the Full Price of the Bond including Accrued Interest.
returnIncomeFRN Calculates estimated Return on Floating-Rate Note (FRN) for a given Index, Quoted Margin, Maturity Value, and Periodicity.
saForwards Calculates Semi-Annual Forward Rates using the given Spot Rates.
ytmZeroCouponBond Calculates the Yield-To-Maturity(YTM) of a Zero-Coupon Bond.