score {bnlearn}R Documentation

Score of the Bayesian network


Compute the score of the Bayesian network.


## S4 method for signature 'bn'
score(x, data, type = NULL, ..., by.node = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'bn.naive'
score(x, data, type = NULL, ..., by.node = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'bn.tan'
score(x, data, type = NULL, ..., by.node = FALSE, debug = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'bn'
logLik(object, data, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bn'
AIC(object, data, ..., k = 1)
## S3 method for class 'bn'
BIC(object, data, ...)


x, object

an object of class bn.


a data frame containing the data the Bayesian network that will be used to compute the score.


a character string, the label of a network score. If none is specified, the default score is the Bayesian Information Criterion for both discrete and continuous data sets. See network scores for details.


a boolean value. If TRUE and the score is decomposable, the function returns the score terms corresponding to each node; otherwise it returns their sum (the overall score of x).


a boolean value. If TRUE a lot of debugging output is printed; otherwise the function is completely silent.


extra arguments from the generic method (for the AIC and logLik functions, currently ignored) or additional tuning parameters (for the score function).


a numeric value, the penalty coefficient to be used; the default k = 1 gives the expression used to compute the AIC in the context of scoring Bayesian networks.


Additional arguments of the score() function:


For score() with by.node = TRUE, a vector of numeric values, the individual node contributions to the score of the Bayesian network. Otherwise, a single numeric value, the score of the Bayesian network.


AIC and BIC are computed as logLik(x) - k * nparams(x), that is, the classic definition rescaled by -2. Therefore higher values are better, and for large sample sizes BIC converges to log(BDe).

When using the Castelo & Siebes prior in structure learning, the prior probabilities associated with an arc are bound away from zero and one by shrinking them towards the uniform distribution as per Hausser and Strimmer (2009) with a lambda equal to 3 * sqrt(.Machine$double.eps). This dramatically improves structure learning, which is less likely to get stuck when starting from an empty graph. As an alternative to prior probabilities, a blacklist can be used to prevent arcs from being included in the network, and a whitelist can be used to force the inclusion of particular arcs. beta is not modified when the prior is used from functions other than those implementing score-based and hybrid structure learning.


Marco Scutari

See Also

network scores, arc.strength,


dag = hc(learning.test)
score(dag, learning.test, type = "bde")

## let's see score equivalence in action!
dag2 = set.arc(dag, "B", "A")
score(dag2, learning.test, type = "bde")

## K2 score on the other hand is not score equivalent.
score(dag, learning.test, type = "k2")
score(dag2, learning.test, type = "k2")

## BDe with a prior.
beta = data.frame(from = c("A", "D"), to = c("B", "F"),
         prob = c(0.2, 0.5), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
score(dag, learning.test, type = "bde", prior = "cs", beta = beta)

## equivalent to logLik(dag, learning.test)
score(dag, learning.test, type = "loglik")

## equivalent to AIC(dag, learning.test)
score(dag, learning.test, type = "aic")

## custom score, computing BIC manually.
my.bic = function(node, parents, data, args) {

  n = nrow(data)

  if (length(parents) == 0) {

    counts = table(data[, node])
    nparams = dim(counts) - 1
    sum(counts * log(counts / n)) - nparams * log(n) / 2

  else {

    counts = table(data[, node], configs(data[, parents, drop = FALSE]))
    nparams = ncol(counts) * (nrow(counts) - 1)
    sum(counts * log(prop.table(counts, 2))) - nparams * log(n) / 2


score(dag, learning.test, type = "custom", fun = my.bic, by.node = TRUE)
score(dag, learning.test, type = "bic", by.node = TRUE)

[Package bnlearn version 4.9.3 Index]