learn_params {bnclassify}R Documentation

Learn the parameters of a Bayesian network structure.


Learn parameters with maximum likelihood or Bayesian estimation, the weighting attributes to alleviate naive bayes' independence assumption (WANBIA), attribute weighted naive Bayes (AWNB), or the model averaged naive Bayes (MANB) methods. Returns a bnc_bn.


  awnb_trees = NULL,
  awnb_bootstrap = NULL,
  manb_prior = NULL,
  wanbia = NULL



The bnc_dag object. The Bayesian network classifier structure.


The data frame from which to learn network parameters.


A numeric. The smoothing value (α\alpha) for Bayesian parameter estimation. Nonnegative.


An integer. The number (MM) of bootstrap samples to generate.


A numeric. The size of the bootstrap subsample, relative to the size of dataset (given in [0,1]).


A numeric. The prior probability for an arc between the class and any feature.


A logical. If TRUE, WANBIA feature weighting is performed.


lp learns the parameters of each local distribution θijk=P(Xi=kPa(Xi)=j)\theta_{ijk} = P(X_i = k \mid \mathbf{Pa}(X_i) = j) as

θijk=Nijk+αNij+riα,\theta_{ijk} = \frac{N_{ijk} + \alpha}{N_{ ij \cdot } + r_i \alpha},

where NijkN_{ijk} is the number of instances in dataset in which Xi=kX_i = k and Pa(Xi)=j\mathbf{Pa}(X_i) = j, Nij=k=1riNijkN_{ ij \cdot} = \sum_{k=1}^{r_i} N_{ijk}, rir_i is the cardinality of XiX_i, and all hyperparameters of the Dirichlet prior equal to α\alpha. α=0\alpha = 0 corresponds to maximum likelihood estimation. Returns a uniform distribution when Nij+riα=0N_{ i j \cdot } + r_i \alpha = 0. With partially observed data, the above amounts to available case analysis.

WANBIA learns a unique exponent 'weight' per feature. They are computed by optimizing conditional log-likelihood, and are bounded with all wi[0,1]w_i \in [0, 1]. For WANBIA estimates, set wanbia to TRUE.

In order to get the AWNB parameter estimate, provide either the awnb_bootstrap and/or the awnb_trees argument. The estimate is:

θijkAWNB=θijkwik=1riθijkwi,\theta_{ijk}^{AWNB} = \frac{\theta_{ijk}^{w_i}}{\sum_{k=1}^{r_i} \theta_{ijk}^{w_i}},

while the weights wiw_i are computed as

wi=1Mt=1M1dti,w_i = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{t=1}^M \sqrt{\frac{1}{d_{ti}}},

where MM is the number of bootstrap samples from dataset and dtid_{ti} the minimum testing depth of XiX_i in an unpruned classification tree learned from the tt-th subsample (dti=0d_{ti} = 0 if XiX_i is omitted from tt-th tree).

The MANB parameters correspond to Bayesian model averaging over the naive Bayes models obtained from all 2n2^n subsets over the nn features. To get MANB parameters, provide the manb_prior argument.


A bnc_bn object.


Hall M (2004). A decision tree-based attribute weighting filter for naive Bayes. Knowledge-based Systems, 20(2), 120-126.

Dash D and Cooper GF (2002). Exact model averaging with naive Bayesian classifiers. 19th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2002), 91-98.

Pigott T D (2001) A review of methods for missing data. Educational research and evaluation, 7(4), 353-383.


nb <- nb('class', car)
# Maximum likelihood estimation
mle <- lp(nb, car, smooth = 0)
# Bayesian estimaion
bayes <- lp(nb, car, smooth = 0.5)
manb <- lp(nb, car, smooth = 0.5, manb_prior = 0.5)
awnb <- lp(nb, car, smooth = 0.5, awnb_trees = 10)

[Package bnclassify version 0.4.8 Index]