query_n_series {blsR}R Documentation

Create a query to retrieve one or more time series and their catalog data


Create a query to retrieve one or more time series and their catalog data


  start_year = NULL,
  end_year = NULL,
  catalog = FALSE,
  calculations = FALSE,
  annualaverage = FALSE,
  aspects = FALSE



Character vector of BLS series IDs

start_year, end_year

numeric 4-digit years. While optional, they are strongly recommended. If one is provided, the other is mandatory. end_year must be greater than start_year


boolean. If set to TRUE, element item in the list returned may include a named item catalog, a named list containing descriptive information about the series. Not all series have a catalog entry available.


boolean. If set to TRUE, each element in the data list for each series returned may include an additional named element calculations, a named list containing two items, net_changes and pct_changes, each of them a named list which may include items 1, 3, 6, 12 which represent 1, 3, 6, and 12 month net changes and percent changes respectively. Not all data series will have enough data points to include these calculations.


boolean. If set to TRUE, each data list may include an additional element for a an annual average of the time series, which is usually presented as month 13 in monthly data. Not all data series support this feature.


boolean. If set to TRUE, each item in the data list for each series returned may include an additional named element aspects, which will be a named list. Not all data series support this feature.


list of query parameters

See Also

Other blsR-queries: query_all_surveys(), query_latest_observation(), query_popular_series(), query_series(), query_survey_info(), span_request_queries()


a <- query_n_series(c('LNS14000001', 'LNS14000002'))
b <- query_n_series(c('LNS14000001', 'LNS14000002'), start_year = 2005, end_year=2010)
c <- query_n_series(c('LNS14000001', 'LNS14000002'), 2005, 2010)
d <- query_n_series(c('LNS14000001', 'LNS14000002'), catalog=TRUE)

[Package blsR version 0.5.0 Index]