survival_swallows {blmeco} | R Documentation |
Telemetry data of Barn swallow fledglings
Capture-histories (obtained by radio-telemetry) of Barn swallows during their first 17 days after fledging. To simplify the example (for didactical reasons), only the first broods were selected.
The format is: List of 8 $ CH : int [1:322, 1:18] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... capture histories of 322 individuals $ I : int 322, number of individuals $ K : int 18, capture occations (inclusive the first capture) $ carez : num [1:322], covariate, intensity of care by the parents $ year : num [1:322] index of year (4 years study) $ agec : num [1:18] covariate age of the fledglings, centered $ family: num [1:322] index of the family (group the individuals belong to) $ nfam : num 72, number of families
Day 0 is the day of marking the individuals.
The data has been collected by Martin Grueebler and Beat Naef-Daenzer.
Grueebler, M.U., Naef-Daenzer, B. 2008: Fitness consequences of pre- and post-fledging timing decicions in a double-brooded passerins. Ecology 89:2736-2745.
Grueebler, M.U., Naef-Daenzer, B. 2010: Survival benefits of post-fledging care: experimental approach to a critical part of avian reproductivve strategies. J. Anim. Ecol. 79:334-341.