Binomial Linear Regression

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Documentation for package ‘blm’ version 2022.0.0.1

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blm-package Binomial linear and linear-expit regression model
aarp Nested case-control data set of bladder cancer in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study
blm Fit a binomial linear regression model
blm-class Class "blm"
ccdata Simulated case-control dataset
coef-method Get coefs from 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
coef.blm Get coefs from 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
confint-method Confidence intervals for parameters of 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
confint.blm Confidence intervals for parameters of 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
crude.risk Risk-exposure scatter plot
EO Compute the ratio of expected event to observed events for 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
expit Inverse-logit function
gof Hosmer-lemeshow goodness-of-fit statistics for 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
gof.pearson Pearson's goodness-of-fit statistics for 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
lexpit Fit a linear-expit regression model
lexpit-class Class "lexpit"
logit Logit function
logLik-method Log-likelihood of 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
logLik.blm Log-likelihood of 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
LRT Performs likelihood-ratio test for lexpit and BLM models of cohort data
model.formula Get formula call for 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
model.formula-method Get formula call for 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
predict-method Get risk predictions for 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
predict.blm Get risk predictions for 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
print-method Print coefficients of 'blm' and 'lexpit' model fit.
print.blm Print coefficients of 'blm' and 'lexpit' model fit.
resid-method Get residuals from 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
resid.blm Get residuals from 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
risk.exposure.plot Risk-exposure scatter plot
Rsquared Compute R-squared measures of model fit for 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
show-method Show 'blm' and 'lexpit' model fit.
show.blm Show 'blm' and 'lexpit' model fit.
summary-method Summary of 'blm' and 'lexpit' model fit.
summary.blm Summary of 'blm' and 'lexpit' model fit.
vcov-method Get variance-covariance from 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.
vcov.blm Get variance-covariance from 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects. Covariate patterns at the boundary for 'blm' and 'lexpit' objects.