Analyze biotic homogenization of landscapes

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Documentation for package ‘blender’ version 0.1.2

Help Pages

blend Calculate biotic homogenization using Jaccard's index and an approximation
blend.character Calculate biotic homogenization using Jaccard's index and an approximation
blend.list Calculate biotic homogenization using Jaccard's index and an approximation
blended.landscape Calculate biotic homogenization using Jaccard's index and an approximation
blended.landscape.bundle Calculate biotic homogenization using Jaccard's index and an approximation
blender.basics Basic landscape calculations
blender.reduce Simulate reduced richness landscapes
blender.shuffle Simulate reduced richness landscapes
jbar Basic landscape calculations
jstar Basic landscape calculations
PLANTS USGS PLANTS database data
plot.blended.landscape Calculate biotic homogenization using Jaccard's index and an approximation
plot.blended.landscape.bundle Calculate biotic homogenization using Jaccard's index and an approximation
print.blended.landscape Calculate biotic homogenization using Jaccard's index and an approximation
print.blended.landscape.bundle Calculate biotic homogenization using Jaccard's index and an approximation
pstar Basic landscape calculations