ComputePostmeanHnew |
Compute the posterior mean and variance of 'h' at a new predictor values |
ExtractEsts |
Extract summary statistics |
ExtractPIPs |
Extract posterior inclusion probabilities (PIPs) from BKMR model fit |
ExtractSamps |
Extract samples |
InvestigatePrior |
Investigate prior |
kmbayes |
Fit Bayesian kernel machine regression |
OverallRiskSummaries |
Calculate overall risk summaries |
PlotPriorFits |
Plot of exposure-response function from univariate KMR fit |
PredictorResponseBivar |
Predict the exposure-response function at a new grid of points |
PredictorResponseBivarLevels |
Plot cross-sections of the bivariate predictor-response function |
PredictorResponseBivarPair |
Plot bivariate predictor-response function on a new grid of points |
PredictorResponseUnivar |
Plot univariate predictor-response function on a new grid of points |
print.bkmrfit |
Print basic summary of BKMR model fit |
SamplePred |
Obtain posterior samples of predictions at new points |
SimData |
Simulate dataset |
SingVarIntSummaries |
Single Variable Interaction Summaries |
SingVarRiskSummaries |
Single Variable Risk Summaries |
summary.bkmrfit |
Summarizing BKMR model fits |
TracePlot |
Trace plot |