wMix {bisque}R Documentation

Construct a weighted mixture object


For a Bayesian model

X f(Xθ1,θ2) X ~ f(X | \theta_1, \theta_2)

(θ1,θ2) f(θ1,θ2), (\theta_1, \theta_2) ~ f(\theta_1, \theta_2),

the marginal posterior f(θ1X)f(\theta_1 | X) distribution can be approximated via weighted mixtures via

f(θ1X)j=1Kf(θ1X,θ2)wj f(\theta_1 | X) \approx \sum_{j=1}^K f(\theta_1 | X, \theta_2) w_j

where wjw_j is based on f(θ2(j)X)f(\theta_2^{(j)} | X) and weights w~j\tilde w_j, where θ2(j)\theta_2^{(j)} and w~j\tilde w_j are nodes and weights for a sparse-grid quadrature integration scheme. The quadrature rule is developed by finding the posterior mode of f(θ2X)f(\theta_2|X), after transforming θ2\theta_2 to an unconstrained support. For best results, θ2\theta_2 should be a continuous random variable, or be able to be approximated by one.


  f1.precompute = function(x, ...) {     x },
  spec = "ff",
  level = 2,
  c.int = NULL,
  c.level = 2,
  c.init = NULL,
  c.link = rep("identity", length(c.init)),
  c.link.params = rep(list(NA), length(c.init)),
  c.optim.control = list(maxit = 5000, method = "BFGS"),
  ncores = 1,
  quadError = TRUE,



evaluates f(θ1X,θ2)f(\theta_1 | X, \theta_2). f1 must be able to be called via f1(theta1, params, log, ...).


a matrix of parameters at which to evaluate f(θ1X,θ2)f(\theta_1 | X, \theta_2). each row should be one set of values at which the density should be evaluated


a vector of parameters needed to evaluate f(θ1X,θ2)f(\theta_1 | X, \theta_2). In most cases params will equal theta2theta_2, but in some cases, f(θ1X,θ2)f(\theta_1 | X, \theta_2) depends on functions of θ2\theta_2, which can be pre-evaluated as the weighted mixture approximation is constructed.


TRUE to return ln(f(θ1X,θ2))ln(f(\theta_1 | X, \theta_2))


additional arguments needed for function evaluation


evaluates f(theta2X)f(theta_2 | X). f2 must be able to be called via f2(theta2, log, ...).


wBuild object created by wBuild function. w contains posterior mode of f(θ2X)f(\theta_2| X) and wrapper functions to generate quadrature grid.


function that pre-computes parameters for evaluating f(θ1X,θ2)f(\theta_1 | X, \theta_2). f1.precompute must be able to be called via f1.precompute(theta2, ...) and return the argument params for the function f1.


Specification of whether f1 and f2 are known exactly, or need numerical approximation to determine integration constants. 'ff' if both functions are known, 'gg' if f1 is proportional to the full conditional distribution f(θ1θ2,X)f(\theta_1|\theta_2,X), but needs the integration constant computed, and if the marginal posterior f(theta2X)f(theta_2|X) is equal to f2 times the integration constant that needs to be numerically approximated.


accuracy level of the numerical approximation (typically number of grid points for the underlying 1D quadrature rule) [description from mvQuad::createNIGrid]


If spec=='gg', then c.int specifies the function that can be integrated in order to yield the missing integration constant.


accuracy level of the numerical approximation for c.int (typically number of grid points for the underlying 1D quadrature rule) [description from mvQuad::createNIGrid]


initial guess for mode of c.int.


character vector that specifies transformations used during optimization and integration of c.int. See corresponding documentation in wBuild function for more details.


Optional list of additional parameters for link functions used with c.int. See corresponding documentation in wBuild function for more details.


Arguments used to find mode of c.int. See corresponding documentation in wBuild function for more details.


number of cores used to parallelize computation of parameters for f(θ1θ2,X)f(\theta_1 | \theta_2, X).


TRUE if integration nodes and weight should be computed for the level-1 integration grid, so that quadrature approximation error can be estimated.


Additional arguments to pass to f1, f1.precompute, f12, and f2.


A list with class wMix, which contains the following items.


Function for evaluating the posterior density f(θ1X)f(\theta_1|X). f is callable via f(theta1, log, ...).


A matrix containing the pre-computed parameters for evaluating the mixture components f(θ1θ2,X)f(\theta_1 | \theta_2, X). Each row of the matrix contains parameters for one of the KK mixture components.


Integration weights for each of the mixture components. Some of the weights may be negative.


List containing additional tools for computing posterior expectations of f(θ2X)f(\theta_2|X). However, posterior expectations of f(θ1X)f(\theta_1|X) can also be computed when expectations of f(θ1θ2,X)f(\theta_1|\theta_2, X) are known. The elements of expectation are


Function to compute E[h(θ2)X]E[h(\theta_2)|X]. Eh is callable via Eh(h, ...), where h is a function callable via h(theta2, ...) and ... are additional arguments to the function. The function h is evaluated at the quadrature nodes θ2(j)\theta_2^{(j)}.


Exactly the same idea as Eh, but the function h is evalauted at the quadrature nodes after being passed through the function f1.precompute.


The sparse-quadrature integration grid used. Helpful for seeing the quadrature nodes θ2(j)\theta_2^{(j)}.


The integration weights for approximating the expectation E[h]E[h]. Note that these integration weights may differ from the main integration weights for evaluating the posterior density f(θ1X)f(\theta_1|X).


# Use BISQuE to approximate the marginal posterior distribution for unknown
# population f(N|c, r) for the fur seals capture-recapture data example in 
# Givens and Hoeting (2013), example 7.10.


# define theta transformation and jacobian
tx.theta = function(theta) { 
  c(log(theta[1]/theta[2]), log(sum(theta[1:2]))) 
itx.theta = function(u) { 
  c(exp(sum(u[1:2])), exp(u[2])) / (1 + exp(u[1])) 
lJ.tx.theta = function(u) {
  log(exp(u[1] + 2*u[2]) + exp(2*sum(u[1:2]))) - 3 * log(1 + exp(u[1]))

# compute constants
r = sum(furseals$m)
nC = nrow(furseals)

# set basic initialization for parameters
init = list(U = c(-.7, 5.5))
init = c(init, list(
  alpha = rep(.5, nC),
  theta = itx.theta(init$U),
  N = r + 1

post.alpha_theta = function(theta2, log = TRUE, ...) {
  # Function proportional to f(alpha, U1, U2 | c, r) 
  alpha = theta2[1:nC]
  u = theta2[-(1:nC)]
  theta = itx.theta(u)
  p = 1 - prod(1-alpha)
  res = - sum(theta)/1e3 - r * log(p) + lJ.tx.theta(u) - 
    nC * lbeta(theta[1], theta[2])
  for(i in 1:nC) {
    res = res + (theta[1] + furseals$c[i] - 1)*log(alpha[i]) + 
      (theta[2] + r - furseals$c[i] - 1)*log(1-alpha[i])
  if(log) { res } else { exp(res) }

post.N.mixtures = function(N, params, log = TRUE, ...) {
  # The mixture component of the weighted mixtures for f(N | c, r)
  dnbinom(x = N-r, size = r, prob = params, log = log)

mixparams.N = function(theta2, ...) {
  # compute parameters for post.N.mixtures
  1 - prod(1 - theta2[1:nC])

w.N = wBuild(f = post.alpha_theta, init = c(init$alpha, init$U), 
             approx = 'gauss', link = c(rep('logit', nC), rep('identity', 2)))

m.N = wMix(f1 = post.N.mixtures, f1.precompute = mixparams.N, 
           f2 = post.alpha_theta, w = w.N)

# compute posterior mean
m.N$expectation$Eh.precompute(h = function(p) ((1-p)*r/p + r), 
                                   quadError = TRUE)

# compute posterior density
post.N.dens = data.frame(N = r:105)
post.N.dens$d = m.N$f(post.N.dens$N)

# plot posterior density
plot(d~N, post.N.dens, ylab = expression(f(N~'|'~bold(c),r)))

[Package bisque version 1.0.2 Index]