Bayesian Instrumental Regression for Disparity Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘birdie’ version 0.6.1

Help Pages

augment.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
birdie Fit BIRDiE Models
birdie-class Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
birdie-family BIRDiE Complete-Data Model Families
birdie.ctrl Control of BIRDiE Model Fitting
bisg Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG)
bisg_me Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG)
cat_dir BIRDiE Complete-Data Model Families
cat_mixed BIRDiE Complete-Data Model Families
census_race_geo_table Download Census Race Data
coef.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
disparities Compute Racial Disparities from Model Estimates
est_weighted Calculate Weighted Estimate of (Discrete) Outcomes By Race
family.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
fitted.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
formula.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
glance.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
nobs.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
plot.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
predict.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
predict.bisg Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG)
preproc Preprocess Last Names and Geographic Identifiers
print.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
print.est_weighted Calculate Weighted Estimate of (Discrete) Outcomes By Race
proc_name Preprocess Last Names and Geographic Identifiers
proc_state Preprocess Last Names and Geographic Identifiers
proc_zip Preprocess Last Names and Geographic Identifiers
pseudo_vf A pseudo-voterfile
p_r_natl National Racial Demographics
residuals.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
simulate.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
simulate.bisg Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG)
summary.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
summary.bisg Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG)
summary.est_weighted Calculate Weighted Estimate of (Discrete) Outcomes By Race
tidy.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models
vcov.birdie Class "birdie" of BIRDiE Models