EZ-to-Use Biplots

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Documentation for package ‘biplotEZ’ version 2.0

Help Pages

alpha.bags Create alpha bags
AoD Use the Analysis of Distance (AoD) method to construct the biplot
AoD.biplot Calculate elements for the Analysis of Distance (AoD) biplot
axes Aesthetics for biplot axes
biplot First step to create a new biplot with 'biplotEZ'
biplotEZ biplotEZ: EZ-to-Use Biplots
CA Correspondence Analysis (CA) method
CA.biplot CA biplot
CATPCA Categorical Principal Component Analysis
classification Classification biplot method
classification.biplot classification biplot
classify Classify samples into classes
CVA Perform Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA)
CVA.biplot Calculate elements for the CVA biplot
CVAlowdim Construct additional dimensions when the dimension of the canonical space is smaller than the dimension of the biplot
density1D Creates a kernel density in 1-dimension
density2D Create a density in 2-dimensions
ellipses Concentration ellipses (kappa-ellipses)
extended.matching.coefficient Extended matching coefficient
fit.measures Compute measures of fit for the biplot.
interpolate Interpolate supplementary points and variables to add to the biplot
legend.type Format the legend for the biplot
means Aesthetics for biplot class / group means
newaxes Aesthetics for supplementary (new) biplot axes
newsamples Aesthetics for supplementary (new) biplot samples
PCA Perform Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
PCA.biplot Calculate elements for the PCA biplot
PCO Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCO) biplot method
PCO.biplot PCO biplot
plot.biplot Generic Plotting function of objects of class biplot
plot3D Generic Plotting function of objects of class biplot in three dimensions
prediction Predict samples to display on the biplot
print.biplot Generic print function for objects of class biplot
print.CA Generic print function of objects of class CA
reflect Reflect the biplot about a chosen axis
regress Regression biplot method
regress.biplot Regression biplot
rotate Rotate the biplot a chosen amount of degrees
samples Aesthetics for biplot samples
sqrtManhattan Computes the square root of the Manhattan distance An example of a Euclidean embeddable distance metric
summary.biplot Generic summary function for objects of class biplot
translate_axes Translate biplot axes