Construct Reactive Calibrated Axes Biplots

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Documentation for package ‘bipl5’ version 1.0.2

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bipl5 bipl5: Constructing Reactive Calibrated Axes Biplots
colorpal bpl5 default color scales
FMbiplot Determine various measures of fit for the PCA biplot
PCAbiplot Construct a rank-2 PCA biplot
plot.bipl5 Plot an object of class 'bipl5'
predict.bipl5 Method to obtain the predicted or fitted values of the biplot
print.bipl5 Default print method for an object of class 'bipl5'
Symbol_List Retrieve all valid plotting symbols for plotly library
TDAbiplot Construct PCA biplots with translated calibrated density axes
TDAbiplot.bipl5 Construct PCA biplots with translated calibrated density axes