bipartite-package | Analysis of bipartite ecological webs |
addEmptyColToMatrix | plotModuleWeb |
addEmptyRowToMatrix | plotModuleWeb |
array2linkmx | Reshape a webarray to a web X link matrix |
as.one.mode | Conversion of a network matrix |
as.tnet | Ensures that networks conform to the tnet stardards |
barrett1987 | Individuals caught in a pollination web in boreal Canada. |
BC | Normalised degree, betweenness and closeness centrality |
betalinkr | Calculate network dissimilarity (beta diversity) and its components |
betalinkr_multi | Calculate network dissimilarity (beta diversity) and its components |
betweenness_w | Betweenness centrality in a weighted network |
bezerra2009 | Individuals observed in a flower-visitation network of oil-collecting bees in a Brazilian steppe. |
bipartite | Analysis of bipartite ecological webs |
C.score | Calculates the (normalised) mean number of checkerboard combinations (C-score) in a matrix |
CC | Normalised degree, betweenness and closeness centrality |
closeness_w | Closeness centrality in a weighted network |
clustering_tm | Redefined clustering coefficient for two-mode networks |
compart | Detects compartments |
computeModules | computeModules |
confint | Examples for some analyses |
convert2moduleWeb | Functions "LPA_wb_plus" and "DIRT_LPA_wb_plus" |
czvalues | Computes c and z for network modules |
decimalr2dtable | Generates matrix with same marginal totals for non-negative decimal values |
degreedistr | Fits functions to cumulative degree distributions of both trophic levels of a network. |
dfun | Calculates standardised specialisation index d' (d prime) for each species in the lower trophic level of a bipartite network. |
DIRT_LPA_wb_plus | Functions "LPA_wb_plus" and "DIRT_LPA_wb_plus" |
discrepancy | Calculates discrepancy of a matrix |
distance_w | Distance in a weighted network |
drawModules | plotModuleWeb |
edgelist2webs | Converts a table of observations into a network matrix |
elberling1999 | No. of visits in a pollination web of arctic-alpine Sweden |
empty | Deletes empty rows and columns from a matrix. |
endpoint | Computes end-point degrees for a bipartite network |
extinction | Simulates extinction of a species from a bipartite network |
fc | Calculates the functional complementarity for the rows of a web |
fd | Calculates the functional complementarity for the rows of a web |
frame2webs | Converts a table of observations into a network matrix |
genweb | Generate a random bipartite web |
getModuleCoordinates | plotModuleWeb |
grouplevel | Analysis of bipartite webs at the level of each of the two levels (groups) of the network |
H2fun | Specialisation of a bipartite web. |
inouye1988 | A pollination network from the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales, Australia |
intasymm | Examples for some analyses |
intereven | Examples for some analyses |
isCorrectModuleWebObject | plotModuleWeb |
junker2013 | Flower visitation network |
kato1990 | No. of individuals caught in a pollination web of a Japanese beech forest |
kevan1970 | A pollination network from Northern Ellesmere Island, Canada |
linklevel | Indices of a bipartite network at the link level |
listModuleInformation | listModuleInformation |
LPA_wb_plus | Functions "LPA_wb_plus" and "DIRT_LPA_wb_plus" |
memmott1999 | Flower visitation network from a meadow near Bristol, UK |
metaComputeModules | computeModules |
mgen | Generate simulated network according to a given probability matrix |
mlik | Examples for some analyses |
module2constraints | Computes nestedness of a matrix as WNODA (and NODF and WNODF) |
moduleWeb-class | Class "moduleWeb" |
mosquin1967 | Flower visitation network from Melville Island, Northwest Territories, Canada |
motten1982 | A spring flower visitation network from North Carolina, USA |
ND | Normalised degree, betweenness and closeness centrality |
nest.smdm | Computes nestedness of a matrix as WNODA (and NODF and WNODF) |
nested | Calculates any of several measures of nestedness |
nestedcontribution | Calculates the per-species contribution to nestedness (z-score relative to null model) |
nestedness | Calculates nestedness temperature of presence/absence matrices |
nestedrank | Calculates the rank of a species in a matrix sorted for maximum nestedness |
netstats | Examples for some analyses |
networklevel | Analysis of bipartite webs at the level of the entire network |
nodespec | Calculates the node-based specialisation index |
NODF | Computes nestedness of a matrix as WNODA (and NODF and WNODF) |
NOS | Calculates the node overlap and separation according to Strona & Veech (2015) |
npartite | Computes indices for a masked-one-mode network |
null.distr | Null model based on fitted marginal distribution |
null.t.test | Compares observed pattern to random webs. |
nullmodel | Generates null models for network analysis |
olesen2002aigrettes | A flower visitation network from the Azores |
olesen2002flores | Another flower visitation network from the Azores |
olito2015 | A pollination network from the Canadian Rockies |
ollerton2003 | ollerton2003 |
one.grouplevel | Analysis of bipartite webs at the level of each of the two levels (groups) of the network |
PAC | Potential for Apparent Competition |
PDI | Paired Differences Index |
plot.wine | Weighted-Interaction Nestedness Estimator |
plotmat | Examples for some analyses |
plotmatrix | Plot a matrix organised by topology |
plotModuleWeb | plotModuleWeb |
plotPAC | Function to draw a circular plot to visualise potential apparent competition (PAC) |
plotweb | Visualize a bipartite interaction matrix (e.g. a foodweb) |
plotweb2 | Visualize a tripartite interaction matrix (e.g. a tritrophic foodweb) |
PosteriorProb | The restricted null model accounting for modules with nested entries |
prepareWebForPlottingModules | plotModuleWeb |
printoutModuleInformation | printoutModuleInformation |
projecting_tm | Projecting binary and weighted two-mode networks onto weighted one-mode networks. |
quant2bin | Examples for some analyses |
r2dexternal | Generates null models for network analysis by considering external abundances |
readModuleData | computeModules |
restrictednull | The restricted null model accounting for modules with nested entries |
robustness | Robustness to species extinctions |
Safariland | A pollination web from Argentina |
schemske1978 | A flower visitation network from Urbana, IL, USA |
second.extinct | Secondary extinctions in bipartite networks |
shuffle.web | Shuffle web entries |
slope.bipartite | Slope of extinction simulation |
small1976 | A flower visitation network from a peat bog in Ottawa, Canada |
sortmatr | Examples for some analyses |
sortmatrext | Examples for some analyses |
sortmatrix | Organise matrix by topology |
sortweb | Function to sort bipartite webs |
specieslevel | Calculate various indices for network properties at the species level |
strength | Computes species strength according to either of two definitions |
swap.web | Creates null model for bipartite networks |
symmetrise_w | Symmetrise_w |
tnet_igraph | Exports a tnet network to an igraph object |
togetherness | Calculates the number of identical co-presences and co-absences for species-on-islands |
V.ratio | Calculates the variance-ratio as suggested by Schluter (1984) |
vazarr | A pollination network. |
vazcer | A pollination network. |
vazllao | A pollination network. |
vazmasc | A pollination network. |
vazmasnc | A pollination network. |
vaznull | Null model with constrained connectance and moderately constrained marginal totals |
vaznullexternal | Generates null models for network analysis by considering external abundances |
vazquec | A pollination network. |
vazquenc | A pollination network. |
vazquez.example | Examples for some analyses |
versionlog | Log of bipartite versions and changes |
visweb | Plotting function to visualize a bipartite food web |
web2edges | Conversion of a network matrix into a (weighted) edge list |
webs2array | Puts two or more webs into one array of webs |
wine | Weighted-Interaction Nestedness Estimator |
WNODA | Computes nestedness of a matrix as WNODA (and NODF and WNODF) |
WNODF | Computes nestedness of a matrix as WNODA (and NODF and WNODF) |