Utility Functions, Datasets and Extended Examples for Survival Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘biostat3’ version 0.1.9

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biostat3-package Utility Functions, Datasets and Extended Examples for Survival Analysis
addIndicators Utility to add indicators from a data-frame based on a formula.
as.data.frame.coxphHaz Smoothed hazard estimates for 'coxph'
as.data.frame.coxphHazList Smoothed hazard estimates for 'coxph'
as.data.frame.muhaz Formula wrapper for the 'muhaz' function from the 'muhaz' package.
as.data.frame.muhazList Formula wrapper for the 'muhaz' function from the 'muhaz' package.
biostat3 Utility Functions, Datasets and Extended Examples for Survival Analysis
brv Bereavement dataset
colon Colon cancer dataset
colon_sample Sample from the 'colon' dataset used for teaching.
coxphHaz Smoothed hazard estimates for 'coxph'
diet Diet data set
eform Calculate the exponential form for coefficients and their confidence intervals using either profile likelihood-based or Wald-based confidence intervals.
eform.default Calculate the exponential form for coefficients and their confidence intervals using either profile likelihood-based or Wald-based confidence intervals.
format_perc Utility functions for the 'biostat3' package
irr Calculate the exponential form for coefficients and their confidence intervals using either profile likelihood-based or Wald-based confidence intervals.
lifetab Create cohort life table
lifetab2 Formula wrapper for 'lifetab' from the 'KMsurv' package.
lincom Linear combination of regression parameters.
lines.coxphHazList Smoothed hazard estimates for 'coxph'
lines.lifetab2 Formula wrapper for 'lifetab' from the 'KMsurv' package.
lines.muhaz2 Formula wrapper for the 'muhaz' function from the 'muhaz' package.
lines.muhazList Formula wrapper for the 'muhaz' function from the 'muhaz' package.
melanoma Melanoma cancer dataset
muhaz2 Formula wrapper for the 'muhaz' function from the 'muhaz' package.
or Calculate the exponential form for coefficients and their confidence intervals using either profile likelihood-based or Wald-based confidence intervals.
plot.coxphHaz Smoothed hazard estimates for 'coxph'
plot.coxphHazList Smoothed hazard estimates for 'coxph'
plot.lifetab2 Formula wrapper for 'lifetab' from the 'KMsurv' package.
plot.muhaz2 Formula wrapper for the 'muhaz' function from the 'muhaz' package.
plot.muhazList Formula wrapper for the 'muhaz' function from the 'muhaz' package.
plot.smoothHaz Simple implementation for kernel density smoothing of the Nelson-Aalen estimator.
poisson.ci Exact Poisson confidence intervals.
popmort popmort dataset, with population-based mortality rates
print.coxphHaz Smoothed hazard estimates for 'coxph'
smoothHaz Simple implementation for kernel density smoothing of the Nelson-Aalen estimator.
summary.muhazList Formula wrapper for the 'muhaz' function from the 'muhaz' package.
survPHplot Plot to assess non-proportionality
survRate Describe rates
updateList Utility functions for the 'biostat3' package
year Convert a 'Date' vector to a numeric vector