bios2mds-package |
From BIOlogical Sequences to MultiDimensional Scaling |
bios2mds |
From BIOlogical Sequences to MultiDimensional Scaling | |
Links elements in a mmds object to specific groups and colors |
dif |
Difference score |
dis |
Dissimilarity score |
export.fasta |
Writes a MSA file in FASTA format |
extract.cluster |
Extraction of clusters alignments |
gpcr |
Pre-analyzed G-Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCR) data set |
import.fasta |
Reads a file in FASTA format |
import.msf |
Reads a multiple sequence alignment file in MSF format | |
Multiple runs of K-means analysis |
mat.dif |
Matrices of difference scores between sequences |
mat.dis |
Matrices of dissimilarity scores between amino acid sequences |
mmds |
Metric multidimensional scaling |
mmds.2D.multi |
Plots the mmds coordinates onto a 2D space |
mmds.2D.plot |
Plots the mmds coordinates onto a 2D space |
mmds.3D.plot |
Display the mmds coordinates onto a 3D space |
mmds.plot |
Plots a summary of the mmds results |
mmds.project |
Metric multidimensional Scaling Projection |
random.msa |
Random Alignment |
scree.plot |
Plots the eingenvalues of an MDS analysis |
sil.score |
Silhouette score |
sub.mat |
Amino acid substitution matrices |
write.mmds.pdb |
Writes PDB file |