autoplot |
Generate automatic plots for objects generated in biometryassist | |
Generate automatic plots for objects generated in biometryassist |
autoplot.mct |
Generate automatic plots for objects generated in biometryassist |
design |
Create a complete experimental design with graph of design layout and skeletal ANOVA table |
des_info |
Produce a graph of design layout, skeletal ANOVA table and data frame with complete design |
heat_map |
Produce a heatmap of variables in a grid layout. |
install_asreml |
Install or update the ASReml-R package |
logl_test |
Conduct a log-likelihood test for comparing terms in ASReml-R models |
multiple_comparisons |
Perform Multiple Comparison Tests on a statistical model |
print.mct |
Print output of multiple_comparisons |
resplot |
Produce residual plots of linear models |
summary_graph |
Visualise a graphical summary of variables from a data frame |
update_asreml |
Install or update the ASReml-R package |
variogram |
Display variogram plots for spatial models |