Functions to Assist Design and Analysis of Agronomic Experiments

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Documentation for package ‘biometryassist’ version 1.2.1

Help Pages

autoplot Generate automatic plots for objects generated in biometryassist Generate automatic plots for objects generated in biometryassist
autoplot.mct Generate automatic plots for objects generated in biometryassist
design Create a complete experimental design with graph of design layout and skeletal ANOVA table
des_info Produce a graph of design layout, skeletal ANOVA table and data frame with complete design
heat_map Produce a heatmap of variables in a grid layout.
install_asreml Install or update the ASReml-R package
logl_test Conduct a log-likelihood test for comparing terms in ASReml-R models
multiple_comparisons Perform Multiple Comparison Tests on a statistical model
print.mct Print output of multiple_comparisons
resplot Produce residual plots of linear models
summary_graph Visualise a graphical summary of variables from a data frame
update_asreml Install or update the ASReml-R package
variogram Display variogram plots for spatial models