blob_detection {bioacoustics}R Documentation

Blob detection of a region of interest into a spectrographic representation of the recording


This function is a modified version of the Bat classify software developed by Christopher Scott (2014). It combines several algorithms for detection, filtering and audio feature extraction.


  channel = "left",
  time_exp = 1,
  min_dur = 1.5,
  max_dur = 80,
  min_area = 40,
  min_TBE = 20,
  max_TBE = 1000,
  EDG = 0.9,
  HPF = 16000,
  FFT_size = 256,
  FFT_overlap = 0.875,
  blur = 2,
  bg_substract = 20,
  contrast_boost = 20,
  settings = FALSE,
  acoustic_feat = TRUE,
  metadata = FALSE,
  spectro_dir = NULL,
  time_scale = 0.1,
  ticks = TRUE



either a path to a file, or a Wave object.

Audio files will be automatically decoded internally using the function read_audio.


character. Channel to keep for analysis in a stereo recording: 'left' or 'right'. Do not need to be specified for mono recordings, recordings with more than two channels are not yet supported. Default setting is 'left'.


integer. Time expansion factor of the recording. Set to 1 for real-time recording or above for time expanded recording. Default setting is 1.


numeric. Minimum duration threshold in milliseconds (ms). Extracted audio events shorter than this threshold are ignored. Default setting is 1.5 ms.


numeric. Maximum duration threshold in milliseconds (ms). Extracted audio events longer than this threshold are ignored. The default setting is 80 ms.


integer. Minimum area threshold in number of pixels. Extracted segments with an area shorter than this threshold are discarded. Default setting is 40 pixels.


numeric. Minimum time window between two audio events in milliseconds (ms). If the time interval between two successive audio events is shorter than this window, they are ignored. The default setting is 20 ms.


numeric. Maximum time window between two audio events in milliseconds (ms). If the time interval between two successive audio events is longer than this window, they are ignored. The default setting is 1000 ms.


numeric. Exponential Decay Gain from 0 to 1. Sets the degree of temporal masking at the end of each audio event. This filter avoids extracting noise or echoes at the end of the audio event. The default setting is 0.996.


integer. Low-Pass Filter (Hz). Frequencies above the cutoff are greatly attenuated. Default is set internally at the Nyquist frequency of the recording.


integer. High-Pass Filter (Hz). Frequencies below the cutoff are greatly attenuated. Default setting is 16000 Hz. A default of 1000 Hz is recommended for most bird vocalizations.


integer. Size of the Fast Fourrier Transform (FFT) window. Default setting is 256.


numeric. Percentage of overlap between two FFT windows (from 0 to 1). Default setting is 0.875.


integer. Gaussian smoothing function for blurring the spectrogram of the audio event to reduce image noise. Default setting is 2.


integer. Foreground extraction with a mean filter applied on the spectrogram of the audio even for image denoising. Default setting is 20.


integer. Edge contrast enhancement filter of the spectrogram of the audio event to improve its apparent sharpness. Default setting is 20.


logical. TRUE or FALSE. Save on a list the parameters set with the threshold_detection function. Default setting is FALSE.


logical. TRUE or FALSE. Extracts the acoustic and signal quality parameters from each audio event in a data frame. The sequences of smoothed amplitude (dB) and frequency (Hz) bins of each audio event, temporal values (in ms) of the beginning and the end of each audio event are also extracted in separate lists. Default setting is TRUE.


logical. TRUE or FALSE. Extracts on a list the metadata embedded with the Wave file GUANO metadata extraction is not -yet- implemented. Default setting is FALSE.


character (path) or NULL. Generate an HTML page with the spectrograms numbered by order of detection in the recording. Spectrograms are generated as individual .PNG files and stored in the 'spectro_dir/spectrograms' subdirectory. The R working directory is used if spectro_dir is NULL. spectro_dir is set to NULL by default.


numeric. Time resolution of the spectrogram in milliseconds (ms) per pixel (px). Default setting is 0.1 ms for bat echolocation calls. A default of 2 ms/px is recommended for most bird vocalizations.


either logical or numeric. If TRUE tickmarks are drawn on the (frequency) y-axis and their positions are computed automatically. If numeric, sets the lower and upper limits of the tickmarks and their interval (in Hz). Default setting is TRUE.


Output <- blob_detection(myotis, time_exp = 10, contrast_boost = 30, bg_substract = 30)

[Package bioacoustics version 0.2.8 Index]