Biological Analysis and Visualization of Weather Radar Data

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Documentation for package ‘bioRad’ version 0.7.3

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A B C D E F G I L M N O P R S W misc

-- A --

apply_mistnet Apply MistNet segmentation to a polar volume Convert a vertical profile ('vp') or time series of vertical profiles ('vpts') to a data frame Convert a vertical profile ('vp') or time series of vertical profiles ('vpts') to a data frame
as.vpts Convert a dataframe into a vpts object
attribute_table Extract a volume coverage pattern table with all attributes

-- B --

beam_distance Calculate radar beam distance
beam_height Calculate radar beam height
beam_profile Calculate vertical radiation profile
beam_profile_overlap Calculate overlap between a vertical profile ('vp') and the vertical radiation profile emitted by the radar
beam_range Calculate radar beam range
beam_width Calculate radar beam width
bind_into_vpts Bind vertical profiles ('vp') into time series ('vpts')
bind_into_vpts.list Bind vertical profiles ('vp') into time series ('vpts')
bind_into_vpts.vp Bind vertical profiles ('vp') into time series ('vpts')
bind_into_vpts.vpts Bind vertical profiles ('vp') into time series ('vpts')

-- C --

c.vp Concatenate vertical profiles ('vp') into a list of vertical profiles
calculate_param Calculate a new scan parameter
calculate_param.ppi Calculate a new scan parameter
calculate_param.pvol Calculate a new scan parameter
calculate_param.scan Calculate a new scan parameter
calculate_vp Calculate a vertical profile ('vp') from a polar volume ('pvol') file
check_night Check if it is night at a given time and place
check_night.default Check if it is night at a given time and place
check_night.list Check if it is night at a given time and place
check_night.pvol Check if it is night at a given time and place
check_night.vp Check if it is night at a given time and place
check_night.vpi Check if it is night at a given time and place
check_night.vpts Check if it is night at a given time and place
composite_ppi Create a composite of multiple plan position indicators ('ppi')
convert_legacy Convert legacy bioRad objects
convert_legacy.vp Convert legacy bioRad objects
convert_legacy.vpts Convert legacy bioRad objects

-- D --

dbz_to_eta Convert reflectivity factor (dBZ) to reflectivity (eta)
dim.ppi Inspect a plan position indicator ('ppi')
dim.pvol Inspect a polar volume ('pvol')
dim.scan Inspect a scan ('scan')
dim.vp Inspect a vertical profile ('vp')
dim.vpts Inspect a time series of vertical profiles ('vpts')
download_pvolfiles Download polar volume ('pvol') files from the NEXRAD archive
download_vpfiles Download vertical profile ('vp') files from the ENRAM data repository
doy Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)
doy.default Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)
doy.pvol Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)
doy.vp Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)
doy.vpi Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)
doy.vpts Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)
doy_noy Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)

-- E --

eta_to_dbz Convert reflectivity (eta) to reflectivity factor (dBZ)
example_scan Scan ('scan') example
example_vp Vertical profile ('vp') example
example_vpts Time series of vertical profiles ('vpts') example

-- F --

filter_vpts Filter a time series of vertical profiles ('vpts') by a start and end time. Use argument night = TRUE to select only time stamps between sunset and sunrise, or night = FALSE to select daytime (sunrise to sunset). Selection for night and day uses 'check_night()'.

-- G --

get_elevation_angles Get elevation angles of a polar volume ('pvol'), scan ('scan') or parameter ('param')
get_elevation_angles.param Get elevation angles of a polar volume ('pvol'), scan ('scan') or parameter ('param')
get_elevation_angles.pvol Get elevation angles of a polar volume ('pvol'), scan ('scan') or parameter ('param')
get_elevation_angles.scan Get elevation angles of a polar volume ('pvol'), scan ('scan') or parameter ('param')
get_iris_raw_task Check the 'task' type of an IRIS RAW file
get_odim_object_type Check the 'data' type of an ODIM HDF5 file
get_param Get a parameter ('param') from a scan ('scan')
get_quantity Get a quantity from a vertical profile ('vp') or time series of vertical profiles ('vpts')
get_quantity.list Get a quantity from a vertical profile ('vp') or time series of vertical profiles ('vpts')
get_quantity.vp Get a quantity from a vertical profile ('vp') or time series of vertical profiles ('vpts')
get_quantity.vpts Get a quantity from a vertical profile ('vp') or time series of vertical profiles ('vpts')
get_scan Get a scan ('scan') from a polar volume ('pvol')

-- I --

integrate_profile Vertically integrate profiles ('vp' or 'vpts') into an integrated profile ('vpi')
integrate_profile.list Vertically integrate profiles ('vp' or 'vpts') into an integrated profile ('vpi')
integrate_profile.vp Vertically integrate profiles ('vp' or 'vpts') into an integrated profile ('vpi')
integrate_profile.vpts Vertically integrate profiles ('vp' or 'vpts') into an integrated profile ('vpi')
integrate_to_ppi Calculate a plan position indicator ('ppi') of vertically integrated density adjusted for range effects
is.param Inspect a parameter ('param')
is.ppi Inspect a plan position indicator ('ppi')
is.pvol Inspect a polar volume ('pvol')
is.pvolfile Check if a file is a polar volume ('pvol')
is.scan Inspect a scan ('scan')
is.vp Inspect a vertical profile ('vp')
is.vpfile Check if a file is a vertical profile ('vp')
is.vpi Inspect an integrated profile ('vpi')
is.vpts Inspect a time series of vertical profiles ('vpts')

-- L --

list_vpts_aloft List aloft urls for time series of vertical profiles ('vpts') of radar stations

-- M --

map Map a plan position indicator ('ppi') on a map
map.ppi Map a plan position indicator ('ppi') on a map
Math.pvol Mathematical and arithmetic operations on param's, scan's and pvol's
Math.scan Mathematical and arithmetic operations on param's, scan's and pvol's

-- N --

nexrad_to_odim Convert a NEXRAD polar volume file to an ODIM polar volume file
noy Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)
noy.default Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)
noy.pvol Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)
noy.vp Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)
noy.vpi Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)
noy.vpts Look up day of year (doy) or night of year (noy)
nyquist_velocity Calculate Nyquist velocity for a given pulse repetition frequency (PRF)

-- O --

Ops.param Mathematical and arithmetic operations on param's, scan's and pvol's
Ops.pvol Mathematical and arithmetic operations on param's, scan's and pvol's
Ops.scan Mathematical and arithmetic operations on param's, scan's and pvol's

-- P --

plot.ppi Plot a plan position indicator ('ppi')
plot.scan Plot a scan ('scan') in polar coordinates
plot.vp Plot a vertical profile ('vp')
plot.vpi Plot an integrated profile ('vpi')
plot.vpts Plot a time series of vertical profiles ('vpts')
print.vpts Inspect a time series of vertical profiles ('vpts')
project_as_ppi Project a scan ('scan') or parameter ('param') to a plan position indicator ('ppi')
project_as_ppi.param Project a scan ('scan') or parameter ('param') to a plan position indicator ('ppi')
project_as_ppi.scan Project a scan ('scan') or parameter ('param') to a plan position indicator ('ppi')

-- R --

rcs Get radar cross section
rcs.list Get radar cross section
rcs.vp Get radar cross section
rcs.vpi Get radar cross section
rcs.vpts Get radar cross section
rcs<- Set radar cross section
rcs<-.list Set radar cross section
rcs<-.vp Set radar cross section
rcs<-.vpi Set radar cross section
rcs<-.vpts Set radar cross section
read_cajun Read a vertical profile ('vp') from UMASS Cajun text file
read_pvolfile Read a polar volume ('pvol') from file
read_vpfiles Read a vertical profile ('vp') or a list of vertical profiles ('vp') from files
read_vpts Read time series of vertical profiles ('vpts') from file(s)
regularize_vpts Regularize a time series of vertical profiles ('vpts') on a regular time grid

-- S --

scan_to_raster convert a polar scan into a raster
scan_to_spatial convert a polar scan into a spatial object.
sd_vvp_threshold Get threshold of the radial velocity standard deviation
sd_vvp_threshold.list Get threshold of the radial velocity standard deviation
sd_vvp_threshold.vp Get threshold of the radial velocity standard deviation
sd_vvp_threshold.vpts Get threshold of the radial velocity standard deviation
sd_vvp_threshold<- Set threshold of the radial velocity standard deviation
sd_vvp_threshold<-.list Set threshold of the radial velocity standard deviation
sd_vvp_threshold<-.vp Set threshold of the radial velocity standard deviation
sd_vvp_threshold<-.vpts Set threshold of the radial velocity standard deviation
select_vpfiles Select vertical profile ('vp') files from computer
summary.param Inspect a parameter ('param')
summary.ppi Inspect a plan position indicator ('ppi')
summary.pvol Inspect a polar volume ('pvol')
summary.scan Inspect a scan ('scan')
summary.vp Inspect a vertical profile ('vp')
summary.vpi Inspect an integrated profile ('vpi')
summary.vpts Inspect a time series of vertical profiles ('vpts')
sunrise Calculate sunrise or sunset for a time and place
sunrise_sunset Calculate sunrise or sunset for a time and place
sunset Calculate sunrise or sunset for a time and place

-- W --

write_pvolfile Write a polar volume ('pvol') object to ODIM HDF5 file

-- misc --

[.ppi Subset a plan position indicator ('ppi')
[.vpts Inspect a time series of vertical profiles ('vpts')