binequality-package |
Methods for Analyzing Binned Income Data |
binequality |
Methods for Analyzing Binned Income Data |
county_bins |
A data set containing binned income for US counties |
fitFunc |
A function to fit a parametric distribution to binned data. |
getMids |
A function to calculate the bin midpoints. |
getQuantilesParams |
A function to extract the quantiles and parameters |
giniCoef |
Calculates the Gini coefficient from quantiles |
A function to perform likelihood ratio tests |
makeFitComb |
A function to transform a list into a dataframe |
makeInt |
A function to create a survival object from bin counts. |
makeIntWeight |
A function to create a survival object from bin counts and normalized bin weights. |
makeWeightsAIC |
A function to calculate AIC weights |
mAvg |
A simple function to perfom model averaging using pre-calculated weights. |
midStats |
A function to calculate statistics using bin midpoints |
A function to calculate the MLD |
modelAvg |
A function to calculate model averages |
paramFilt |
A function to filter models based on estimated parameters |
run_GB_family |
A function to fit a parametric distributions to binned data. |
school_district_bins |
A data set containing the school district data. |
A function to calculate the SDL |
state_bins |
A data set containing the binned state data. |
theilInd |
A function to calculate the Theil |