Identification and Estimation using Group Testing

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Documentation for package ‘binGroup2’ version 1.3.1

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binGroup2-package binGroup2: Identification and Estimation using Group Testing
Accuracy Extract the accuracy measures from group testing results
binGroup2 binGroup2: Identification and Estimation using Group Testing
coef.gtReg Extract coefficients from a fitted group testing model
coefficients.gtReg Extract coefficients from a fitted group testing model
CompareConfig Compare group testing results
Config Access the testing configurations returned from an object
Config.opChar Extract the testing configuration from group testing results
Config.OTC Extract the testing configuration from group testing results
designEst Optimal group size determination based on minimal MSE when estimating an overall prevalence
designPower Number of groups or group size needed to achieve a power level in one parameter group testing
expectOrderBeta Determine a vector of probabilities for informative group testing algorithms
ExpTests Access the expected number of tests from an object
ExpTests.halving Extract the expected number of tests from testing configuration results
ExpTests.opChar Extract the expected number of tests from testing configuration results
ExpTests.OTC Extract the expected number of tests from optimal testing configuration results
ExpTests.Sterrett Extract the expected number of tests from testing configuration results
ExpTests.TOD Extract the expected number of tests from testing configuration results
formula.gtReg Extract the model formula from a fitted group testing model
GroupMembershipMatrix Construct a group membership matrix for hierarchical algorithms
gtPower Power to reject a hypothesis for one proportion in group testing
gtReg Fitting group testing regression models
gtRegControl Auxiliary for controlling group testing regression
gtSim Simulation function for group testing data
gtTest Hypothesis test for one proportion in group testing
gtWidth Expected width of confidence intervals in group testing
halving Probability mass function for halving
hivsurv Data from an HIV surveillance project
IndProb Extract the individual probabilities used to calculate group testing results
informativeArrayProb Arrange a matrix of probabilities for informative array testing
opChar1 Calculate operating characteristics for group testing algorithms that use a single-disease assay
opChar2 Calculate operating characteristics for group testing algorithms that use a multiplex assay for two diseases
operatingCharacteristics1 Calculate operating characteristics for group testing algorithms that use a single-disease assay
operatingCharacteristics2 Calculate operating characteristics for group testing algorithms that use a multiplex assay for two diseases
OTC1 Find the optimal testing configuration for group testing algorithms that use a single-disease assay
OTC2 Find the optimal testing configuration for group testing algorithms that use a multiplex assay for two diseases
plot.OTC Plot method for optimal testing configuration results
pmf Access the testing probability mass function returned from an object
pmf.halving Extract probability mass function (PMF) from group testing results
pmf.Sterrett Extract probability mass function (PMF) from group testing results
predict.gtReg Predict method for 'gtReg'
print.designEst Print method for objects of class "designEst"
print.designPower Print method for objects of class "designPower"
print.gtReg Print method for 'gtReg'
print.gtTest Print method for objects of class "gtTest"
print.halving Print method for objects of class "halving"
print.opChar Print method for operating characteristics results
print.OTC Print method for optimal testing configuration results
print.predict.gtReg Print method for 'predict.gtReg'
print.propCI Print method for objects of class "propCI"
print.propDiffCI Print method for objects of class "propDiffCI"
print.Sterrett Print method for objects of class "Sterrett"
print.summary.gtReg Print method for 'summary.gtReg'
print.TOD Print method for 'TOD'
propCI Confidence intervals for one proportion in group testing
propDiffCI Confidence intervals for the difference of proportions in group testing
residuals.gtReg Extract model residuals from a fitted group testing model
Sterrett Summary measures for Sterrett algorithms
summary.gtReg Summary method for 'gtReg'
summary.opChar Summary method for operating characteristics results
summary.OTC Summary method for optimal testing configuration results
TOD Summary measures for the Thresholded Optimal Dorfman (TOD) algorithm