sparseVARMA {bigtime} | R Documentation |
Sparse Estimation of the Vector AutoRegressive Moving Average (VARMA) Model
Sparse Estimation of the Vector AutoRegressive Moving Average (VARMA) Model
VARpen = "HLag",
VARlseq = NULL,
VARgran = NULL,
VARselection = c("cv", "bic", "aic", "hq"),
VARMApen = "HLag",
VARMAlPhiseq = NULL,
VARMAPhigran = NULL,
VARMAlThetaseq = NULL,
VARMAThetagran = NULL,
VARMAalpha = 0,
VARMAselection = c("none", "cv", "bic", "aic", "hq"),
h = 1,
cvcut = 0.9,
eps = 10^-3,
check_std = TRUE
Y |
A |
U |
A |
VARp |
User-specified maximum autoregressive lag order of the PhaseI VAR. Typical usage is to have the program compute its own maximum lag order based on the time series length. |
VARpen |
"HLag" (hierarchical sparse penalty) or "L1" (standard lasso penalty) penalization in PhaseI VAR. |
VARlseq |
User-specified grid of values for regularization parameter in the PhaseI VAR. Typical usage is to have the program compute its own grid. Supplying a grid of values overrides this. WARNING: use with care. |
VARgran |
User-specified vector of granularity specifications for the penalty parameter grid of the PhaseI VAR: First element specifies how deep the grid should be constructed. Second element specifies how many values the grid should contain. |
VARselection |
Selection procedure for the first stage. Default is time series Cross-Validation. Alternatives are BIC, AIC, HQ |
User-specified maximum autoregressive lag order of the VARMA. Typical usage is to have the program compute its own maximum lag order based on the time series length. |
User-specified maximum moving average lag order of the VARMA. Typical usage is to have the program compute its own maximum lag order based on the time series length. |
VARMApen |
"HLag" (hierarchical sparse penalty) or "L1" (standard lasso penalty) penalization in the VARMA. |
VARMAlPhiseq |
User-specified grid of values for regularization parameter corresponding to the autoregressive coefficients in the VARMA. Typical usage is to have the program compute its own grid. Supplying a grid of values overrides this. WARNING: use with care. |
VARMAPhigran |
User-specified vector of granularity specifications for the penalty parameter grid corresponding to the autoregressive coefficients in the VARMA: First element specifies how deep the grid should be constructed. Second element specifies how many values the grid should contain. |
VARMAlThetaseq |
User-specified grid of values for regularization parameter corresponding to the moving average coefficients in the VARMA. Typical usage is to have the program compute its own grid. Supplying a grid of values overrides this. WARNING: use with care. |
VARMAThetagran |
User-specified vector of granularity specifications for the penalty parameter grid corresponding to the moving average coefficients in the VARMA: First element specifies how deep the grid should be constructed. Second element specifies how many values the grid should contain. |
VARMAalpha |
a small positive regularization parameter value corresponding to squared Frobenius penalty in VARMA. The default is zero. |
VARMAselection |
selection procedure in the second stage. Default is "none"; Alternatives are cv, bic, aic, hq |
h |
Desired forecast horizon in time-series cross-validation procedure. |
cvcut |
Proportion of observations used for model estimation in the time series cross-validation procedure. The remainder is used for forecast evaluation. |
eps |
a small positive numeric value giving the tolerance for convergence in the proximal gradient algorithms. |
check_std |
Check whether data is standardised. Default is TRUE and is not recommended to be changed |
A list with the following components
Y |
U |
Matrix of (approximated) error terms. |
k |
Number of time series. |
VARp |
Maximum autoregressive lag order of the PhaseI VAR. |
VARPhihat |
Matrix of estimated autoregressive coefficients of the Phase I VAR. |
VARphi0hat |
Vector of Phase I VAR intercepts. |
Maximum autoregressive lag order of the VARMA. |
Maximum moving average lag order of the VARMA. |
Phihat |
Matrix of estimated autoregressive coefficients of the VARMA. |
Thetahat |
Matrix of estimated moving average coefficients of the VARMA. |
phi0hat |
Vector of VARMA intercepts. |
series_names |
names of time series |
PhaseI_lambas |
Phase I sparsity parameter grid |
PhaseI_MSFEcv |
MSFE cross-validation scores for each value of the sparsity parameter in the considered grid |
PhaseI_lambda_opt |
Phase I Optimal value of the sparsity parameter as selected by the time-series cross-validation procedure |
PhaseI_lambda_SEopt |
Phase I Optimal value of the sparsity parameter as selected by the time-series cross-validation procedure and after applying the one-standard-error rule |
PhaseII_lambdaPhi |
Phase II sparsity parameter grid corresponding to Phi parameters |
PhaseII_lambdaTheta |
Phase II sparsity parameter grid corresponding to Theta parameters |
PhaseII_lambdaPhi_opt |
Phase II Optimal value of the sparsity parameter (corresponding to Phi parameters) as selected by the time-series cross-validation procedure |
PhaseII_lambdaPhi_SEopt |
Phase II Optimal value of the sparsity parameter (corresponding to Theta parameters) as selected by the time-series cross-validation procedure and after applying the one-standard-error rule |
PhaseII_lambdaTheta_opt |
Phase II Optimal value of the sparsity parameter (corresponding to Phi parameters) as selected by the time-series cross-validation procedure |
PhaseII_lambdaTheta_SEopt |
Phase II Optimal value of the sparsity parameter (corresponding to Theta parameters) as selected by the time-series cross-validation procedure and after applying the one-standard-error rule |
PhaseII_MSFEcv |
Phase II MSFE cross-validation scores for each value in the two-dimensional sparsity grid |
h |
Forecast horizon h |
Wilms Ines, Sumanta Basu, Bien Jacob and Matteson David S. (2021), “Sparse Identification and Estimation of Large-Scale Vector AutoRegressive Moving Averages”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, doi: 10.1080/01621459.2021.1942013.
See Also
VARMAfit <- sparseVARMA(Y = scale(Y.varma)) # sparse VARMA
y <- matrix(Y.varma[,1], ncol=1)
ARMAfit <- sparseVARMA(Y=scale(y)) # sparse ARMA