Manage Massive Matrices with Shared Memory and Memory-Mapped Files

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Documentation for package ‘bigmemory’ version 4.6.4

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bigmemory-package Manage massive matrices with shared memory and memory-mapped files.
as.big.matrix The core "big.matrix" operations.
as.big.matrix-method Create a "big.matrix" from a matrix or vector.
as.big.matrix-methods Create a "big.matrix" from a matrix or vector.
as.matrix-method Convert to base R matrix
attach.big.matrix The basic "big.matrix" operations for sharing and re-attaching.
attach.resource The basic "big.matrix" operations for sharing and re-attaching.
attach.resource-method Class "big.matrix.descriptor"
big.matrix The core "big.matrix" operations.
big.matrix-class Class "big.matrix"
big.matrix.descriptor-class Class "big.matrix.descriptor"
bigmemory Manage massive matrices with shared memory and memory-mapped files.
deepcopy Produces a physical copy of a "big.matrix"
describe The basic "big.matrix" operations for sharing and re-attaching.
describe-method The basic "big.matrix" operations for sharing and re-attaching.
dim-method Dimensions of a big.matrix object
dimnames-method Dimnames of a big.matrix Object
dimnames<--method Dimnames of a big.matrix Object The core "big.matrix" operations. The core "big.matrix" operations.
Extract,big.matrix Extract or Replace The core "big.matrix" operations. The core "big.matrix" operations.
filebacked.big.matrix The core "big.matrix" operations.
flush Updating a big.matrix filebacking.
flush-method Updating a big.matrix filebacking.
GetMatrixSize big.matrix size
head-method Return First or Last Part of a big.matrix Object
is.big.matrix The core "big.matrix" operations.
is.big.matrix-method The core "big.matrix" operations.
is.filebacked The core "big.matrix" operations.
is.filebacked-method The core "big.matrix" operations.
is.float Check if Float
is.float-method Is Float?
is.nil The core "big.matrix" operations.
is.readonly The core "big.matrix" operations.
is.readonly-method The core "big.matrix" operations.
is.separated The core "big.matrix" operations.
is.separated-method The core "big.matrix" operations.
is.shared The core "big.matrix" operations.
is.shared-method The core "big.matrix" operations.
is.sub.big.matrix Submatrix support
is.sub.big.matrix-method Submatrix support
length-method Length of a big.matrix object
morder Ordering and Permuting functions for big.matrix" and matrix" objects
morderCols Ordering and Permuting functions for big.matrix" and matrix" objects
mpermute Ordering and Permuting functions for big.matrix" and matrix" objects
mpermuteCols Ordering and Permuting functions for big.matrix" and matrix" objects
mwhich Expanded "which"-like functionality.
mwhich-method Expanded "which"-like functionality.
mwhich-methods Expanded "which"-like functionality.
ncol-method The Number of Rows/Columns of a big.matrix
nrow-method The Number of Rows/Columns of a big.matrix
print-method Print Values
read.big.matrix File interface for a "big.matrix"
read.big.matrix-method File interface for a "big.matrix" The core "big.matrix" operations. The core "big.matrix" operations.
sub.big.matrix Submatrix support
sub.big.matrix-method Submatrix support
tail-method Return First or Last Part of a big.matrix Object
typeof-method The Type of a big.matrix Object
write.big.matrix File interface for a "big.matrix"
write.big.matrix-method File interface for a "big.matrix"
[-method Extract or Replace
[<--method Extract or Replace