fast_mds {bigmds}R Documentation

Fast MDS


Fast MDS uses recursive programming in combination with a divide and conquer strategy in order to obtain an MDS configuration for a given large data set x.


fast_mds(x, l, s_points, r, n_cores)



A matrix with nn individuals (rows) and kk variables (columns).


The size for which classical MDS can be computed efficiently (using cmdscale function). It means that if lˉ\bar{l} is the limit size for which classical MDS is applicable, then llˉ\leq \bar{l}.


Number of points used to align the MDS solutions obtained by the division of x into pp submatrices. Recommended value: 5·r.


Number of principal coordinates to be extracted.


Number of cores wanted to use to run the algorithm.


Fast MDS randomly divides the whole sample data set, x, of size nn into p=p=l/s_points data subsets, where l lˉ\leq \bar{l} being lˉ\bar{l} the limit size for which classical MDS is applicable. Each one of the pp data subsets has size n~=n/p\tilde{n} = n/p. If n~l\tilde{n} \leq \code{l} then classical MDS is applied to each data subset. Otherwise, fast MDS is recursively applied. In either case, a final MDS configuration is obtained for each data subset.

In order to align all the partial solutions, a small subset of size s_points is randomly selected from each data subset. They are joined to form an alignment set, over which classical MDS is performed giving rise to an alignment configuration. Every data subset shares s_points points with the alignment set. Therefore every MDS configuration can be aligned with the alignment configuration using a Procrustes transformation.


Returns a list containing the following elements:


A matrix that consists of nn individuals (rows) and r variables (columns) corresponding to the principal coordinates. Since we are performing a dimensionality reduction, r<<k<<k


The first r largest eigenvalues: λˉi,i{1,,r}\bar{\lambda}_i, i \in \{1, \dots, r\} , where λˉi=1/pj=1pλij/nj\bar{\lambda}_i = 1/p \sum_{j=1}^{p}\lambda_i^j/n_j, being λij\lambda_i^j the ithi-th eigenvalue from partition jj and njn_j the size of the partition jj.


Delicado P. and C. Pachón-García (2021). Multidimensional Scaling for Big Data.

Yang, T., J. Liu, L. McMillan and W.Wang (2006). A fast approximation to multidimensional scaling. In Proceedings of the ECCV Workshop on Computation Intensive Methods for Computer Vision (CIMCV).

Borg, I. and P. Groenen (2005). Modern Multidimensional Scaling: Theory and Applications. Springer.


x <- matrix(data = rnorm(4 * 10000), nrow = 10000) %*% diag(c(9, 4, 1, 1))
mds <- fast_mds(x = x, l = 200, s_points = 5 * 2, r = 2, n_cores = 1)

[Package bigmds version 3.0.0 Index]