Perform Boolean Operations on Large Numbers

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Documentation for package ‘bigBits’ version 1.3

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bigBits-package Perform Boolean Operations on Large Numbers
base2base Function which converts arbitrary-size integers from any base to any base.
bigAnd Functions to perform binary operations on integers of arbitrary size, and of arbitrary base (up to 36).
bigBits Perform Boolean Operations on Large Numbers
bigNot Functions to perform binary operations on integers of arbitrary size, and of arbitrary base (up to 36).
bigOr Functions to perform binary operations on integers of arbitrary size, and of arbitrary base (up to 36).
bigRotate Functions to perform binary operations on integers of arbitrary size, and of arbitrary base (up to 36).
bigShiftL Functions to perform binary operations on integers of arbitrary size, and of arbitrary base (up to 36).
bigShiftR Functions to perform binary operations on integers of arbitrary size, and of arbitrary base (up to 36).
bigXor Functions to perform binary operations on integers of arbitrary size, and of arbitrary base (up to 36).
buildBinaries Function to convert values to binary form
fracB2B Function which converts fractions (between 1 and 0) from any base to any other base.
noExp Function to convert character-string numbers in exponential notation to "pure" integers.