Biomarker Threshold Models

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Documentation for package ‘bhm’ version 1.18

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bhm-package An R package for the biomarker threshold models
bhm Fitting Biomarker Threshold Models
bhm-doc An R package for the biomarker threshold models
bhm.default Fitting Biomarker Threshold Models
bhm.formula Fitting Biomarker Threshold Models
bhmControl Auxiliary function for bhm fitting
bhmFit Fitting Biomarker Threshold Models
bhmGibbs Fitting Biomarker Threshold Models
brm Fitting Biomarker Continuous Threshold Models
brm.default Fitting Biomarker Continuous Threshold Models
brm.formula Fitting Biomarker Continuous Threshold Models
data dataset
dpicexp The Piecewise Exponential Distribution
gendat.glm dataset
gendat.surv dataset
glmpLRT Penalized likelihood ratio test for the generalized linear models.
glmpLRT.default Penalized likelihood ratio test for the generalized linear models.
glmpLRT.formula Penalized likelihood ratio test for the generalized linear models.
Hpicexp The Piecewise Exponential Distribution
hpicexp The Piecewise Exponential Distribution
llm Fit an L-shape linear model
llm.default Fit an L-shape linear model
llm.formula Fit an L-shape linear model
mpl Joint models for clustered data with binary and survival outcomes.
mpl.formula Joint models for clustered data with binary and survival outcomes.
mplFit Joint models for clustered data with binary and survival outcomes.
picfit The Piecewise Exponential Distribution
picreg The Piecewise Exponential Distribution
pIndex Probability Index for Survival Time Difference
pIndex.default Probability Index for Survival Time Difference
pIndex.formula Probability Index for Survival Time Difference
pIndexControl Auxiliary function for pIndex fitting
pIndexFit Probability Index for Survival Time Difference
pIndexLocal Probability Index for Survival Time Difference
pIndexThreshold Probability Index for Survival Time Difference
plot.bhm Plot a fitted biomarker threhold model
plot.brm Plot a fitted biomarker threhold model
plot.glmpLRT Penalized likelihood ratio test for the generalized linear models.
plot.llm Fit an L-shape linear model
plot.pIndex Plot a fitted biomarker threhold model
plot.resboot Plot a fitted biomarker threhold model
plot.residuals.brm Plot a fitted biomarker threhold model
plot.rmscb Fitting Restricted Mean Survival Time Models with a Continuous Biomarker
ppicexp The Piecewise Exponential Distribution
print.bhm print a fitted object or a summary of fitted object
print.brm print a fitted object or a summary of fitted object
print.glmpLRT Penalized likelihood ratio test for the generalized linear models.
print.llm Fit an L-shape linear model
print.mpl print a fitted object or a summary of fitted object
print.picreg print a fitted object or a summary of fitted object
print.pIndex print a fitted object or a summary of fitted object
print.resboot print a fitted object or a summary of fitted object
print.rmscb Fitting Restricted Mean Survival Time Models with a Continuous Biomarker
print.summary.bhm print a fitted object or a summary of fitted object
print.summary.brm print a fitted object or a summary of fitted object
prolikControl Auxiliary function for bhm fitting
prolikFit Fitting Biomarker Threshold Models
qpicexp The Piecewise Exponential Distribution
resboot Rresidual Bootstrap Test (RBT) for treatment-biomarker interaction
resboot.default Rresidual Bootstrap Test (RBT) for treatment-biomarker interaction
resboot.formula Rresidual Bootstrap Test (RBT) for treatment-biomarker interaction
residuals.brm Fitting Biomarker Continuous Threshold Models
rmscb Fitting Restricted Mean Survival Time Models with a Continuous Biomarker
rmscb.default Fitting Restricted Mean Survival Time Models with a Continuous Biomarker
rmscb.formula Fitting Restricted Mean Survival Time Models with a Continuous Biomarker
rmsControl Fitting Restricted Mean Survival Time Models with a Continuous Biomarker
rpicexp The Piecewise Exponential Distribution
summary.bhm Fitting Biomarker Threshold Models
summary.brm Fitting Biomarker Continuous Threshold Models
summary.glmpLRT Penalized likelihood ratio test for the generalized linear models.
summary.picreg The Piecewise Exponential Distribution
summary.rmscb Fitting Restricted Mean Survival Time Models with a Continuous Biomarker Fitting Biomarker Threshold Models
thm.lik Fitting Biomarker Threshold Models
x.cdf Fitting Biomarker Threshold Models