Gaussian Mixture Modeling Algorithms and the Belief-Based Mixture Modeling

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Documentation for package ‘bgmm’ version 1.8.5

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bgmm-package Belief-Based Gaussian Mixture Modeling
belief Fitting Gaussian Mixture Model
beliefList Fitting Gaussian mixture model or collection of models
bgmm Belief-Based Gaussian Mixture Modeling
CellCycle Data for clustering of 384 cell cycle genes into five clusters corresponding to cell cycle phases
CellCycleBeliefs Data for clustering of 384 cell cycle genes into five clusters corresponding to cell cycle phases
CellCycleCenters Data for clustering of 384 cell cycle genes into five clusters corresponding to cell cycle phases
CellCycleClass Data for clustering of 384 cell cycle genes into five clusters corresponding to cell cycle phases
CellCycleData Data for clustering of 384 cell cycle genes into five clusters corresponding to cell cycle phases
chooseModels Selecting a subset of fitted models
chooseOptimal Selecting a subset of fitted models
crossval k-fold cross-validation for the specified model
DEprobs Signed probabilities of differential expression
determinant.numeric Set of supplementary functions for bgmm package
genotypes Fluorescence signals corresponding to a given allele for 333 SNPs
getDF Plotting GIC scores
getGIC Plotting GIC scores
getModelStructure Model structure
init.model.params Initiation of model parameters
init.model.params.knowns Initiation of model parameters
loglikelihood.mModel Set of supplementary functions for bgmm package
map Set of supplementary functions for bgmm package
miR124Data miRNA transfection data for miR1 and miR124 target genes
miR1Data miRNA transfection data for miR1 and miR124 target genes
miRNA miRNA transfection data for miR1 and miR124 target genes
miRNABeliefs miRNA transfection data for miR1 and miR124 target genes
miRNAClass miRNA transfection data for miR1 and miR124 target genes
mModel Fitting Gaussian Mixture Model
mModelList Fitting Gaussian mixture model or collection of models
plot.mModel Plotting a Graphical Visualization of a Gaussian Model or a List of Models
plot.mModelList Plotting a graphical visualization of a model or a list of models
plotGIC Plotting GIC scores
predict.mModel Predictions for fitted Gaussian component model
semisupervised Fitting Gaussian Mixture Model
semisupervisedList Fitting Gaussian mixture model or collection of models
simulateData Dataset generation
soft Fitting Gaussian Mixture Model
softList Fitting Gaussian mixture model or collection of models
Ste12 Ste12 knockout data under pheromone treatment versus wild type; Examples of Ste12 targets; Binding p-values of Ste12 to those targets.
Ste12Beliefs Ste12 knockout data under pheromone treatment versus wild type; Examples of Ste12 targets; Binding p-values of Ste12 to those targets.
Ste12Binding Ste12 knockout data under pheromone treatment versus wild type; Examples of Ste12 targets; Binding p-values of Ste12 to those targets.
Ste12Data Ste12 knockout data under pheromone treatment versus wild type; Examples of Ste12 targets; Binding p-values of Ste12 to those targets.
supervised Fitting Gaussian Mixture Model
supervisedList Fitting Gaussian mixture model or collection of models
unsupervised Fitting Gaussian Mixture Model
unsupervisedList Fitting Gaussian mixture model or collection of models