tune_temperatures {bggum}R Documentation



Find Optimal Temperatures for the GGUM MCMCMC Sampler


tune_temperatures(data, n_temps, temp_tune_iterations = 5000,
  n_draws = 2500, K = NULL, proposal_sds = NULL,
  sd_tune_iterations = 5000, theta_prior_params = c(0, 1),
  alpha_prior_params = c(1.5, 1.5, 0.25, 4), delta_prior_params = c(2,
  2, -5, 5), tau_prior_params = c(2, 2, -6, 6))



An integer matrix giving the response by each respondent to each item


How many temperatures to make?


How many iterations should the temperature tuning algorithm run for each temperature? (default is 5000)


How many draws should be used to determine each temperature? (specifying n_draws < temp_tune_iterations will result in an error; default is 2500).


(Optional) A numeric vector with an element for each item giving the number of options for the item; if not provided, it is generated by taking the number of unique options observed in the data


(Optional) A list of length four where is element is a numeric vector giving standard deviations for the proposals; the first element should be a numeric vector with a standard deviation for the proposal for each respondent's theta parameter (the latent trait), the second a vector with a standard deviation for each item's alpha (discrimination) parameter, the third a vector with a standard deviation for each item's delta (location) parameter, and the fourth a vector with a standard deviation for each item's tau (option threshold) parameters. If not given, the standard deviations are all set to 1.0 before any tuning begins.


A numeric vector of length one; if proposal standard deviations are not given, this provides the number of iterations to use to tune the proposals before the temperature finding algorithm begins (default is 5000)


A numeric vector of length two; the mean and standard deviation of theta parameters' prior distribution (where the theta parameters have a normal prior; the default is 0 and 1)


A numeric vector of length four; the two shape parameters and a and b values for alpha parameters' prior distribution (where the alpha parameters have a four parameter beta prior; the default is 1.5, 1.5, 0.25, and 4)


A numeric vector of length four; the two shape parameters and a and b values for delta parameters' prior distribution (where the delta parameters have a four parameter beta prior; the default is 2, 2, -5, and 5)


A numeric vector of length four; the two shape parameters and a and b values for tau parameters' prior distribution (where the tau parameters have a four parameter beta prior; the default is 2, 2, -6, and 6)


Atchadé, Roberts, and Rosenthal (2011) determine the optimal swap-acceptance rate for Metropolis-coupled MCMC and provide an algorithm for building optimal temperature schedules. We implement this algorithm in the context of the GGUM to provide a temperature schedule that should result in approximately 0.234 swap acceptance rate between adjacent chains.

Please see the vignette (via vignette("bggum")) for a full in-depth practical guide to Bayesian estimation of GGUM parameters.


A numeric vector of temperatures


Atchadé, Yves F., Gareth O. Roberts, and Jeffrey S. Rosenthal. 2011. “Towards Optimal Scaling of Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo.” Statistics and Computing 21(4): 555–68.

See Also

ggumMCMC, ggumMC3


## NOTE: This is a toy example just to demonstrate the function, which uses
## a small dataset and an unreasonably low number of sampling interations.
## For a longer practical guide on Bayesian estimation of GGUM parameters,
## please see the vignette ( via vignette("bggum") ).
## We'll simulate data to use for this example:
sim_data <- ggum_simulation(100, 10, 2)
## Now we can tune the temperature schedule:
## (for the purposes of example, we use 100 iterations,
## though in practice you would use much more)
temps <- tune_temperatures(data = sim_data$response_matrix, n_temps = 5,
                           temp_tune_iterations = 100, n_draws = 50,
                           sd_tune_iterations = 100)

[Package bggum version 1.0.2 Index]