bggCollection {bggAnalytics}R Documentation

API for user collections


Access the data of a given user's collection. See bggAPI for more details on inherited slots and methods.

Super class

bggAnalytics::bggAPI -> bggCollection

Active bindings


A single string, name of a user whose collection should be fetched.


Public methods

Inherited methods

Method new()

Object initialization.

bggCollection$new(username = NULL, params = NULL)

a single string with a BoardGameGeek name of a user whose collection is to be fetched.


a list of object parameters. If not all the parameters are included in the list, default values are used (NULL instead of the list is possible for all the default parameters).
Following parameters are allowed for the bggGames class with default values in parentheses:

  • pretty_names - (FALSE) a boolean value, should the object should use pretty names,

  • stats - (TRUE) a boolean value, should the ranking and rating stats be included for every item. Note that some variables require that stats is TRUE.

  • brief - (FALSE) a boolean value, should the results be abbreviated.

  • own, rated, played, comment, trade, want, wishlist - (NULL) a boolean value, FALSE excludes items with a given status while TRUE includes only them. NULL returns items regardless of the status.

  • wishlistpriority - (NULL) a positive integer between 1 and 5, returns only items with a given wishlist priority. NULL returns items regardless of the priority.

  • minrating, rating - (NULL) a positive integer between 1 and 10, returns only items with a given minimum rating (minrating) or maximum rating (rating). NULL returns items regardless of the rating.

Method print()

Print object information.


Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

bggCollection$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.


BoardGameGeek XML API2

[Package bggAnalytics version 0.2.1 Index]