distCheck {bgev}R Documentation

Check implementation of a distribution in R.


This is just a refactorization of the original R function distCheck to allow customization for heavy tailed distributions and distribution with constrained support. Assumes one has implemented density, probability, quantile and random generation for a new distribution. Originally implemented to be used with the bimodal GEV distribution


distCheck(fun = "norm", n = 1000, robust = FALSE, subdivisions = 1500, 
support.lower = -Inf, support.upper = Inf, 
var.exists = TRUE, print.result = TRUE, ...)



Name of distribution. E.g, "bgev" for bimodal GEV, "gev" for GEV, "norm" for normal.


size of the sample when generating random values through "rfun"


Boolean. Used for computing mean and variance in a robust way when evaluating mean and variance.


used for numerical integration when using "dfun"


lower limit of the support of the distribution


upper limit of the support of the distribution


Boolean indicating if variance exists (useful for gev, bimodal gev, stable etc)


Boolean indicating weather to print results of the tests on screen.


parameters passed to the distribution, e.g., mu and sd for normal, mu, sigma, xi and delta for bimodal GEV.


All tests results are organized into a list to make it easier to find where results went wrong and to make it scalable for testing distributions for several parameters.


A list of lists with test results

list( functionTested = fun, functionParam = list(...),
test1.density = list(computed = NULL, expected = NULL, error.check = NULL),
test2.quantile.cdf = list(computed = NULL, expected = NULL, error.check = NULL),
test3.mean.var = list(computed = list(mean = NULL, var = NULL, log = NULL),
expected = list(mean = NULL, var = NULL, log = NULL),
error.check = NULL,
condition.is.var.finite = TRUE))


Additional parameters passed to the distribution with the ... argument


results for the density function test. A list with the 'computed' value using the density function and numerical integration, the 'expected' value (which is 1) and the result of the 'error.check' comparing both values.


results for the quantile function test. A list with the 'computed' value using the quantile function at chosen probabilites on [0,1], the 'expected' value (which is 1) and the result of the 'error.check' comparing both values.


results for the random generation and the density function. A list with the 'computed' values using the random quantities (computes mean(X), variance(X) and E(log(abs(X))) where X follows the distribution being tested. The 'expected' is a list containing the same quantities computed using numerical integration


check if expected variance and computed variance are close enough.


For some distributions there are known conditions for the variance to be finite. This quantity is expected to be evaluated outside the DistCheck function and passed through the argument 'var.exists'.


Cira Otiniano Author [aut], Yasmin Lirio Author [aut], Thiago Sousa Developer [cre]


Otiniano, Cira EG, et al. (2023). A bimodal model for extremes data. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 1-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10651-023-00566-7


# generate random values for the parameters and test the 
# bimodal gev distribution implementation
mu = runif(1,-2,2)
sigma = runif(1,0.1,2)
xi = runif(1,0.3,0.9) * sign(runif(1,-1,1))
delta = 1#runif(1,-0.6,2)
support = bgev.support(mu, sigma, xi, delta)
var.exists = ( xi != 0) & (xi < (delta + 1)/2)
ret = distCheck(fun="bgev", n = 2000, 
      support.lower = support[1], support.upper = support[2], 
      subdivisions = 5000, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, xi = xi, 
      delta = delta, var.exists = var.exists, print.result = TRUE)

[Package bgev version 0.1 Index]