Plot Maps from Switzerland by Swiss Federal Statistical Office

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Documentation for package ‘bfsMaps’ version 1.99.3

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bfsMaps-package Plotting Switzerland Maps from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO)
AddLakes Add Waters to Switzerland Map
AddRivers Add Waters to Switzerland Map
AddWaters Add Waters to Switzerland Map
bfsMaps Plotting Switzerland Maps from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO)
BfSStamp Stamp the Current Plot
CombineKant Combine Multiple Polygons to One Spatial Polygon
CombinePolg Combine Multiple Polygons to One Spatial Polygon
CombinePolygons Combine Multiple Polygons to One Spatial Polygon
d.bfsrg Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO) Spatial Divisions
DownloadBfSMaps Helps to Get the Map Data
GetMap Load a Map
kt Abbreviations for Swiss Cantons
Neighbours Find All Neighbours of a Regional Object
PlotBezk Plot Swiss Regions
PlotCH Plot a Map of Switzerland
PlotGreg Plot Swiss Regions
PlotKant Plot Swiss Regions
PlotMapDot Plot a Map and a Dotplot
PlotMSRe Plot Swiss Regions
PlotPolg Plot Swiss Regions
PlotPremReg Plot Premium Regions CH
SwissLocator Get the Community, District and Canton of a Located Mappoint
tkart Unlocked Environment for Maps