Breaks for Additive Season and Trend

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Documentation for package ‘bfast’ version 1.6.1

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bfast-package Breaks For Additive Season and Trend (BFAST)
.bfast_cpp_closestfrom For all elements of a vector a, find the closest elements in a vector B and returns resulting indexes
bfast Break Detection in the Seasonal and Trend Component of a Univariate Time Series
bfast01 Checking for one major break in the time series
bfast01classify Change type analysis of the bfast01 function
bfast0n Detect multiple breaks in a time series
bfastlite Detect multiple breaks in a time series
bfastmonitor Near Real-Time Disturbance Detection Based on BFAST-Type Models
bfastpp Time Series Preprocessing for BFAST-Type Models
bfastts Create a regular time series object by combining data and date information
create16dayts-deprecated A helper function to create time series
dates A vector with date information (a Datum type) to be linked with each NDVI layer within the modis raster brick (modisraster data set)
harvest 16-day NDVI time series for a Pinus radiata plantation.
modisraster A raster brick of 16-day satellite image NDVI time series for a small subset in south eastern Somalia.
ndvi A random NDVI time series
plot.bfast Methods for objects of class "bfast".
plot.bfastlite Plot the time series and results of BFAST Lite
setoptions Set package options with regard to computation times
set_default_options Set package options with regard to computation times
set_fallback_options Set package options with regard to computation times
set_fast_options Set package options with regard to computation times
simts Simulated seasonal 16-day NDVI time series
som Two 16-day NDVI time series from the south of Somalia