gibbs_np {beyondWhittle} | R Documentation |
Gibbs sampler for Bayesian nonparametric inference with Whittle likelihood
Obtain samples of the posterior of the Whittle likelihood in conjunction with a Bernstein-Dirichlet prior on the spectral density.
thin = 1,
print_interval = 100,
numerical_thresh = 1e-07,
M = 1,
g0.alpha = 1,
g0.beta = 1,
k.theta = 0.01,
tau.alpha = 0.001,
tau.beta = 0.001,
kmax = 100 * coars + 500 * (!coars),
trunc_l = 0.1,
trunc_r = 0.9,
coars = F,
L = max(20, length(data)^(1/3))
data |
numeric vector; NA values are interpreted as missing values and treated as random |
Ntotal |
total number of iterations to run the Markov chain |
burnin |
number of initial iterations to be discarded |
thin |
thinning number (postprocessing) |
print_interval |
Number of iterations, after which a status is printed to console |
numerical_thresh |
Lower (numerical pointwise) bound for the spectral density |
M |
DP base measure constant (> 0) |
g0.alpha , g0.beta |
parameters of Beta base measure of DP |
k.theta |
prior parameter for polynomial degree k (propto exp(-k.theta*k*log(k))) |
tau.alpha , tau.beta |
prior parameters for tau (inverse gamma) |
kmax |
upper bound for polynomial degree of Bernstein-Dirichlet mixture (can be set to Inf, algorithm is faster with kmax<Inf due to pre-computation of basis functions, but values 500<kmax<Inf are very memory intensive) |
trunc_l , trunc_r |
left and right truncation of Bernstein polynomial basis functions, 0<=trunc_l<trunc_r<=1 |
coars |
flag indicating whether coarsened or default bernstein polynomials are used (see Appendix E.1 in Ghosal and van der Vaart 2017) |
L |
truncation parameter of DP in stick breaking representation |
Further details can be found in the simulation study section in the references papers.
list containing the following fields:
psd.median , psd.mean |
psd estimates: (pointwise) posterior median and mean |
psd.p05 , psd.p95 |
pointwise credibility interval |
psd.u05 , psd.u95 |
uniform credibility interval |
k , tau , V , W |
posterior traces of PSD parameters |
lpost |
trace of log posterior |
C. Kirch et al. (2018) Beyond Whittle: Nonparametric Correction of a Parametric Likelihood With a Focus on Bayesian Time Series Analysis Bayesian Analysis <doi:10.1214/18-BA1126>
N. Choudhuri et al. (2004) Bayesian Estimation of the Spectral Density of a Time Series JASA <doi:10.1198/016214504000000557>
S. Ghosal and A. van der Vaart (2017) Fundamentals of Nonparametric Bayesian Inference <doi:10.1017/9781139029834>
## Not run:
## Example 1: Fit the NP model to sunspot data:
data <- sqrt(as.numeric(sunspot.year))
data <- data - mean(data)
# If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes
print("example may take some time to run")
mcmc <- gibbs_np(data=data, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2)
# Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale
plot(mcmc, log=T)
## Example 2: Fit the NP model to high-peaked AR(1) data
n <- 256
data <- arima.sim(n=n, model=list(ar=0.95))
data <- data - mean(data)
omega <- fourier_freq(n)
psd_true <- psd_arma(omega, ar=0.95, ma=numeric(0), sigma2=1)
# If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes
print("example may take some time to run")
mcmc <- gibbs_np(data=data, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2)
# Compare estimate with true function (green)
plot(mcmc, log=F, pdgrm=F, credib="uniform")
lines(x=omega, y=psd_true, col=3, lwd=2)
# Compute the Integrated Absolute Error (IAE) of posterior median
cat("IAE=", mean(abs(mcmc$psd.median-psd_true)[-1]) , sep="")
## End(Not run)