betategarch-package {betategarch}R Documentation

Simulation, estimation and forecasting of Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models


This package provides facilities for the simulation, estimation and forecasting of first order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models with leverage (one-component and two-component versions), see Harvey and Sucarrat (2014), and Sucarrat (2013).

Let y[t] denote a financial return at time t equal to

y[t] = sigma[t]*epsilon[t]

where sigma[t] > 0 is the scale or volatility (generally not equal to the conditional standard deviation), and where epsilon[t] is IID and t-distributed (possibly skewed) with df degrees of freedom. Then the first order log-volatility specifiction of the one-component Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH model can be parametrised as

sigma[t] = exp(lambda[t]),
lambda[t] = omega + lambdadagger,
lambdadagger[t] = phi1*lambdadagger[t-1] + kappa1*u[t-1] + kappastar*sign[-y]*(u[t-1]+1).

So the scale or volatility is given by sigma[t] = exp(lambda[t]). The omega is the unconditional or long-term log-volatility, phi1 is the GARCH parameter (|phi1| < 1 implies stability), kappa1 is the ARCH parameter, kappastar is the leverage or volatility-asymmetry parameter and u[t] is the conditional score or first derivative of the log-likelihood with respect to lambda. The score u[t] is zero-mean and IID, and (u[t]+1)/(df+1) is Beta distributed when there is no skew in the conditional density of epsilon[t]. The two-component specification is given by

sigma[t] = exp(lambda[t]),
lambda[t] = omega + lambda1dagger + lambda2dagger,
lambda1dagger[t] = phi1*lambdadagger[t-1] + kappa1*u[t-1],
lambda2dagger[t] = phi2*lambdadagger[t-1] + kappa2*u[t-1] + kappastar*sign[-y]*(u[t-1]+1).

The first component, lambda1dagger, is interpreted as the long-term component, whereas the second component, lambda2dagger, is interpreted as the short-term component.


Package: betategarch
Type: Package
Version: 3.3
Date: 2016-10-16
License: GPL-2
LazyLoad: yes

The two main functions of the package are tegarchSim and tegarch. The first simulates a Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models whereas the second estimates one. The second object returns an object (a list) of class 'tegarch', and a collection of methods can be applied to this class: coef.tegarch, fitted.tegarch, logLik.tegarch, predict.tegarch, print.tegarch, residuals.tegarch, summary.tegarch and vcov.tegarch. In addition, the output produced by the tegarchSim function and the fitted.tegarch and residuals.tegarch methods are of the Z's ordered observations (zoo) class, which means a range of time-series methods are available for these objects.


Genaro Sucarrat,


Fernandez and Steel (1998), 'On Bayesian Modeling of Fat Tails and Skewness', Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, pp. 359-371.

Harvey and Sucarrat (2014), 'EGARCH models with fat tails, skewness and leverage'. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 76, pp. 320-338.

Sucarrat (2013), 'betategarch: Simulation, Estimation and Forecasting of First-Order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models'. The R Journal (Volume 5/2), pp. 137-147.


#simulate 500 observations from model with default parameter values:
y <- tegarchSim(500)

#estimate and store as 'mymod':
mymod <- tegarch(y)

#print estimates and standard errors:

#graph of fitted volatility (conditional standard deviation):

#plot forecasts of volatility 1-step ahead up to 10-steps ahead:
plot(predict(mymod, n.ahead=10))

[Package betategarch version 3.3 Index]