Functions for Working with Two- And Four-Parameter Beta Probability Distributions and Psychometric Analysis of Classifications

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Documentation for package ‘betafunctions’ version 1.9.0

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afac Ascending (rising) factorial.
AMS Alpha Shape-Parameter Given Location-Parameters, Mean, and Variance a Four-Parameter Beta Probability Density Distribution.
AUC Area Under the ROC Curve. Method of Moment Estimates of Shape-Parameters of the Two-Parameter (Standard) Beta Distribution. Method of Moment Estimates of Shape- and Location Parameters of the Four-Parameter Beta Distribution.
Beta.gfx.poly.cdf Coordinate Generation for Marking an Area Under the Curve for the Beta Cumulative Probability Density Distribution.
Beta.gfx.poly.pdf Coordinate Generation for Marking an Area Under the Curve for the Beta Probability Density Distribution.
Beta.gfx.poly.qdf Coordinate Generation for Marking an Area Under the Curve for the Beta Quantile Density Distribution. Estimate Beta true-score distribution based on observed-score raw-moments and the effective test length.
betabinomialmoments Compute Moments of Beta-Binomial Probability Mass Functions.
betamedian Compute Median of Two- and Four-Parameter Beta Probability Density distribution.
betamode Compute Mode of Two- and Four-Parameter Beta Probability Density distribution.
betamoments Compute Moments of Two-to-Four Parameter Beta Probability Density Distributions.
binomialmoments Compute Moments of Binomial Probability Mass Functions.
BMS Beta Shape-Parameter Given Location-Parameters, Mean, and Variance of a Four-Parameter Beta Probability Density Distribution.
caStats Classification Accuracy Statistics.
cba Calculate Cronbach's Alpha reliability-coefficient from supplied variables.
ccStats Classification Consistency Statistics.
confmat Confusion matrix
dBeta.4P Probability Density under the Four-Parameter Beta Probability Density Distribution.
dBeta.pBeta An implementation of a Beta-density Compound Cumulative-Beta Distribution.
dBeta.pBinom An implementation of the Beta-density Compound Cumulative Binomial Distribution.
dBeta.pGammaBinom An implementation of a Beta-density Compound Cumulative Gamma-Binomial Distribution.
dBetaBinom Probability Mass under the Beta-Binomial Probability-Mass Distribution.
dBetacBinom Probability Mass function for Lord's Beta Compound Binomial Distribution.
dBetaMS Density Under a Specific Point of the Beta Probability Density Distribution with Specific Location Parameters, Mean, and Variance.
dcBinom Probability Mass function for Lord's Two-Term Approximation to the Compound Binomial Distribution.
dfac Descending (falling) factorial.
dGammaBinom Probability density function under the Gamma-extended Binomial distribution.
ETL Livingston and Lewis' "Effective Test Length".
gchoose Gamma-extended Binomial coefficient (choose function). Estimate Beta True-Score Distribution Based on Observed-Score Raw-Moments and Lord's k.
HB.CA An Implementation of the Hanson and Brennan Approach to Estimate Classification Consistency and Accuracy based on Observed Test Scores and Test Reliability.
HB.CA.MC An Extension of the Hanson and Brennan Approach to Estimate Classification Consistency and Accuracy for Multiple Classifications based on Observed Test Scores and Test Reliability.
HB.ROC ROC curves for the Hanson and Brennan approach.
HB.tsm Proportional True-Score Distribution Raw Moments for the Hanson-Brennan Approach to Classification Accuracy and Consistency.
LABMSU Lower Location Parameter Given Shape Parameters, Mean, Variance, and Upper Location Parameter of a Four-Parameter Beta Probability Density Distribution.
LL.CA An Implementation of the Livingston and Lewis (1995) Approach to Estimate Classification Consistency and Accuracy based on Observed Test Scores and Test Reliability.
LL.CA.MC An Extension of the Livingston and Lewis (1995) Approach to Estimate Classification Consistency and Accuracy for Multiple Classifications based on Observed Test Scores and Test Reliability.
LL.ROC ROC curves for the Livingston and Lewis approach.
Lords.k Function for estimating "Lord's k" for Lord's two-term approximation to the compound binomial distribution.
MC.out.tabular Tabular organization of accuracy and consistency output from the 'LL.CA.MC()' function.
mdlfit.gfx Graphical presentation of model fit for the Beta-Binomial classification accuracy and consistency model.
mdo Calculate McDonald's Omega reliability-coefficient from supplied variables.
MLA Most Likely True Alpha Value Given Observed Outcome.
MLB Most Likely True Beta Value Given Observed Outcome.
MLM Most Likely Mean of the Standard Beta Probability Density Distribution, Given that the Observation is Considered the Most Likely Observation of the Standard Beta Probability Density Distribution (i.e., the mode).
observedmoments Compute Moments of Observed Value Distribution.
pBeta.4P Cumulative Probability Function under the Four-Parameter Beta Probability Density Distribution.
pBetaBinom Cumulative Probability Function under the Beta-Binomial Probability Distribution.
pBetaMS Probability of Some Specific Observation under the Beta Probability Density Distribution with Specific Location Parameters, Mean, and Variance.
pcBinom Cumulative Probability Mass function for Lord's Two-Term Approximation to the Compound Binomial Distribution.
pGammaBinom Cumulative probability density function under the Gamma-extended Binomial distribution.
qBeta.4P Quantile Given Probability Under the Four-Parameter Beta Distribution.
qBetaMS Quantile Containing Specific Proportion of the Distribution, Given a Specific Probability of the Beta Probability Density Distribution with Specific Mean and Variance.
qGammaBinom Quantile function for the Gamma-extended Binomial distribution.
R.ETL Model Implied Reliability from Livingston and Lewis' "Effective Test Length".
rBeta.4P Random Number Generation under the Four-Parameter Beta Probability Density Distribution.
rBetaBinom Random Number Generation under the Beta-Binomial Probability Mass Distribution.
rBetacBinom Random Number Generation under Lord's Beta Compound-Binomial Distribution.
rBetaMS Random Draw from the Beta Probability Density Distribution With Specific Mean and Variance.
rcBinom Random Number Generation under Lord's Two-Term Approximation to the Compound Binomial Distribution.
rGammaBinom Random number generation under the Gamma-extended Binomial distribution.
tsm Proportional true-score distribution raw moments from Livingston and Lewis' effective test-score and effective test-length.
UABMSL Upper Location Parameter Given Shape Parameters, Mean, Variance, and Lower Location Parameter of a Four-Parameter Beta Probability Density Distribution.