benford.analysis-package |
Benford Analysis for data validation and forensic analytics |
benford |
Benford Analysis of a dataset |
benford.analysis |
Benford Analysis for data validation and forensic analytics |
census.2000_2010 |
Population data - US - 2000 and 2010 |
census.2009 |
Population data of Towns and Cities of the US - 2009 |
chisq |
Gets the Chi-squared test of a Benford object |
corporate.payment |
Corporate payments of a West Coast utility company - 2010 |
dfactor |
Gets the Distortion Factor of a Benford object |
duplicatesTable |
Shows the duplicates of the data |
extract.digits |
Extracts the leading digits from the data |
getBfd |
Gets the the statistics of the first Digits of a benford object |
getData |
Gets the data used of a Benford object |
getDigits |
Gets the data starting with some specific digits |
getDuplicates |
Gets the duplicates from data |
getSuspects |
Gets the 'suspicious' observations according to Benford's Law |
lakes.perimeter |
Perimeter of lakes arround the world |
Gets the MAD of a Benford object |
MAD.conformity |
MAD conformity to Benford's Law using the MAD |
mantissa |
Gets the main stats of the Mantissa of a Benford object |
marc |
Gets the Mantissa Arc test of a Benford object |
p.these.digits |
Probability of a digit sequence | |
Probability of a digit at the nth position |
plot.Benford |
Plot method for Benford Analysis |
print.Benford |
Print method for Benford Analysis |
sino.forest |
Financial Statemens of Sino Forest Corporation's 2010 Report |
suspectsTable |
Shows the first digits ordered by the mains discrepancies from Benford's Law |
taxable.incomes.1978 |
Taxable Income 1978 |