Count Regression Models Based on the Bell Distribution

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Documentation for package ‘bellreg’ version

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bellreg-package The 'bellreg' package.
AIC.bellreg Akaike information criterion
AIC.zibellreg Akaike information criterion for zibellreg objects
Bell Probability function, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the Bell distribution with parameter theta.
BellReg The 'bellreg' package.
bellreg Bell regression model
cells Cells data set
coef.bellreg Estimated regression coefficients for the bellreg model
coef.zibellreg Estimated regression coefficients for zibellreg model
confint.bellreg Confidence intervals for the regression coefficients
confint.zibellreg Confidence intervals for the regression coefficients
dbell Probability function, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the Bell distribution with parameter theta.
extract_log_lik Extract pointwise log-likelihood from a Stan model for a bellreg model
extract_log_lik.bellreg Extract pointwise log-likelihood from a Stan model for a bellreg model
faults Faults data set
fitted.bellreg Extract Model Fitted Values
pbell Probability function, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the Bell distribution with parameter theta.
print.summary.bellreg Print the summary.bellreg output
print.summary.zibellreg Print the summary.zibellreg output
qbell Probability function, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the Bell distribution with parameter theta.
rbell Probability function, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the Bell distribution with parameter theta.
summary.bellreg Summary for the bellreg model
summary.zibellreg Summary for the zibellreg model
vcov.bellreg Variance-covariance matrix for a bellreg model
vcov.zibellreg Covariance of the regression coefficients
zibellreg ZiBell regression model