Behavioral Economic Easy Discounting

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Documentation for package ‘beezdiscounting’ version 0.3.1

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ans_dd Converts answers from 5.5 trial delay discounting from Qualtrics template
ans_pd Converts answers from 5.5 trial probability discounting from Qualtrics template
calc_dd Calculate scores, answers, and timing for 5.5 trial delay discounting from Qualtrics template
calc_pd Calculate scores, answers, and timing for 5.5 trial probability discounting from Qualtrics template
five.fivetrial_dd Example Qualtrics output from the 5.5 trial delay discounting template.
five.fivetrial_pd Example Qualtrics output from the 5.5 trial probability discounting template.
generate_data_mcq Generate fake MCQ data
inn Calculates item nearest neighbor imputation approach discussed by Yeh et al. (2023)
long_to_wide_mcq Reshape MCQ data long to wide
long_to_wide_mcq_excel Reshape MCQ data from long to wide (as used in the 21- and 27-Item Monetary Choice Questionnaire Automated Scorer)
mcq27 Example 27-item MCQ data
score_dd Score 5.5 trial delay discounting from Qualtrics template
score_mcq27 Score 27-item MCQ
score_one_mcq27 Score one subject's 27-item MCQ
score_pd Score 5.5 trial probability discounting from Qualtrics template
timing_dd Extract timing metrics from 5.5 trial delay discounting from Qualtrics template
timing_pd Extract timing metrics from 5.5 trial probability discounting from Qualtrics template
wide_to_long_mcq Reshape MCQ data wide to long
wide_to_long_mcq_excel Reshape MCQ data from wide (as used in the 21- and 27-Item Monetary Choice Questionnaire Automated Scorer) to long