Bayesian Evaluation, Analysis, and Simulation Software Tools for Trials

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Documentation for package ‘beastt’ version 0.0.1

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calc_post_beta Calculate Posterior Beta
calc_post_norm Calculate Posterior Normal
calc_power_prior_beta Calculate Power Prior Beta
calc_power_prior_norm Calculate Power Prior Normal
calc_prop_scr Create a Propensity Score Object
ex_binary_df External Binary Control Data for Propensity Score Balancing
ex_norm_df External Normal Control Data for Propensity Score Balancing
int_binary_df Internal Binary Data for Propensity Score Balancing
int_norm_df Internal Normal Data for Propensity Score Balancing
is_prop_scr Test If Propensity Score Object
plot_dist Plot Distribution
prop_scr_dens Density of the Propensity Score Object
prop_scr_hist Histogram of the Propensity Score Object
prop_scr_love Love Plot of the Absolute Standardized Mean Differences
robustify_norm Robustify Normal Distributions