ar1Solver |
Compute AR1 correlation coefficient |
bdotsBoot |
Create bootstrapped curves from bdotsObj |
bdotsCorr |
Correlation with fixed value in bdots |
bdotsFit |
Fit nlme curves to grouped observations |
bdotsFitter |
Fits Individual Subject Curve |
bdotsRefit |
Refit Observations Returned from bdotsFit |
bdRemove |
bdots Remove Function |
ci |
ci dataset |
coef.bdotsObj |
Extract bdotsFit Moedel Coefficients |
coefWriteout |
Create 'data.table' with 'bdotsObj' parameters |
cohort_unrelated |
cohort_unrelated dataset |
curveFitter |
Curve Fitter |
df_cohort_unrelated |
df_cohort_unrelated dataset |
df_target |
df_target dataset |
doubleGauss |
Double Gauss curve function for nlme |
doubleGauss2 |
DoubleGauss2 curve function for nlme |
effectiveAlpha_f |
Effective Alpha Functional |
expCurve |
Exponential curve function |
findModifiedAlpha |
Find modified alpha |
fwerAlpha |
fwerAlpha |
getFitCorforGroups |
Get Fit Correlations |
getSubCurveValues |
Return fitted values |
linear |
Linear curve function |
logistic |
Logistic curve function for nlme |
parTest2 |
Parameter t-test |
plot.bdotsBootObj |
Plot for object of class bdotsBootObj |
plot.bdotsCorrObj |
Plots for bdotsCorr |
plot.bdotsObj |
Plot a bdotsFit object |
polynomial |
Polynomial curve function for nlme |
print.bdotsBootObj |
Print 'bdotsBootObj' |
print.bdotsBootSummary |
Print bdotsBoot Summary |
print.bdotsPars_ttest2 |
Print Parameter Test Summary |
print.bdotsSummary |
Print bdotsObj Summary |
p_adjust |
Adjust P-values for Multiple Comparisons |
rbindlist.bdObjList |
rbindlist for bdotsObjects |
split.bdotsObj |
Split object of class bdotsObj |
subset.bdotsBootObj |
Subset a nested group bdotsBoot objects |
summary.bdotsBootObj |
Summary for bdotsBootObj |
summary.bdotsObj |
Summary for bdotsObj |
target |
target dataset |
writeCSV |
Write fits from 'bdotsBoot' to csv file |