bcpImport {bcputility}R Documentation

Import data to SQL Server


A wrapper for a system call to the bcp utility which bulk inserts to SQL Server.


  fieldterminator = "\t",
  rowterminator = ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", "\r\n", "\n"),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  spatialtype = c("geometry", "geography"),
  bcpOptions = list("-b", 1000, "-a", 4096, "-m", 10),



dataframe object or path to file


named list of connection arguments. See makeConnectArgs.


Name of the source table when importing from SQL Server. For specifying the schema in the table name see <schema>.<table> and if not specified the default is "dbo".


character separator for columns


character separator for rows–new lines


Whether to overwrite the table if it exists


spatial data type for schema https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/spatial/spatial-data-types-overview, ignored if x is not an 'sf' object


list of additional options to pass to the 'bcp' utility. See details.


arguments to pass to system2


If x is a dataframe object, data.table::fwrite is used to write the in memory object to disk in a temporary file that is deleted when the function exits. The fieldterminator and rowterminator are ignored in this case.

If overwrite is TRUE, any existing table of the same name will be deleted and the schema is inferred from DBI::dbCreateTable. To use a customized schema, create the schema before calling the function and use overwrite=FALSE.

If x is a sf object, the geometry column is converted to binary and written to the database before conversion to geometry/geometry data type. The EPSG code is automatically read from the sf object and used as the SRID.

To override the default path to the bcp command line utility, set the bcputility.bcp.path option. To override the default path to the sqlcmd command line utility, set the bcputility.sqlcmd.path option.

The bcpOptions allows the user to include additional arguments for the call to system2. Please refer to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/tools/bcp-utility. The default options are set to the defaults for bcp CLI. -b refers to number of rows to write at a time; 10,000 to 50,000 is a starting recommendation. -a refers to size of packets to be sent in bytes. -e refers to the maximum number of errors before failure.


Output from system2. See ... to redirect output.

[Package bcputility version 0.4.3 Index]