gradtheta_bet {bbreg} | R Documentation |
Function to calculate the gradient of the Q-function, which is required for optimization via optim
This option is related to the beta regression.
gradtheta_bet(theta, phiold, z, x, v, link.mean, link.precision)
theta |
vector of parameters (all coefficients). |
phiold |
previous value of the precision parameter (phi). |
z |
response vector with 0 < z_i < 1. |
x |
matrix containing the covariates for the mean submodel. Each column is a different covariate. |
v |
matrix containing the covariates for the precision submodel. Each column is a different covariate. |
link.mean |
a string containing the link function for the mean. The possible link functions for the mean are "logit","probit", "cauchit", "cloglog". |
link.precision |
a string containing the link function the precision parameter. The possible link functions for the precision parameter are "identity", "log", "sqrt", "inverse". |
Scalar representing the output of this auxiliary gradient function for the beta case.