Tools for General Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘bbmle’ version

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AIC-method Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
AIC-methods Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
AICc Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
AICc-method Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
AICc-methods Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
AICctab Compute table of information criteria and auxiliary info
AICtab Compute table of information criteria and auxiliary info
anova-method Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects convert profile to data frame
BIC-methods Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
BICtab Compute table of information criteria and auxiliary info
calc_mle2_function Maximum Likelihood Estimation Convert calls to character
coef-method Class "mle2". Result of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
coef-method Class "summary.mle2", summary of "mle2" objects
coerce-method convert profile to data frame
coerce-method Class "mle2". Result of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
confint-method Methods for likelihood profiles
confint.mle2 Methods for likelihood profiles
deviance-method Class "mle2". Result of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
dnorm_n Normal distribution with profiled-out standard deviation
formula-method Class "mle2". Result of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
get.mnames extract model names
gfun Predicted values from an mle2 fit
ICtab Compute table of information criteria and auxiliary info
logLik-method Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
logLik-methods Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
mle Maximum Likelihood Estimation
mle2 Maximum Likelihood Estimation
mle2-class Class "mle2". Result of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
mle2.options Options for maximum likelihood estimation
namedrop drop unneeded names from list elements
parnames get and set parameter names
parnames<- get and set parameter names
plot-method Methods for likelihood profiles
plot.profile.mle2 Methods for likelihood profiles
pop_pred_samp generate population prediction sample from parameters
predict-method Predicted values from an mle2 fit
predict-methods Predicted values from an mle2 fit
print.ICtab Compute table of information criteria and auxiliary info
proffun Likelihood profiles
profile-method Likelihood profiles
profile-methods Likelihood profiles
profile.mle2 Likelihood profiles
profile.mle2-class Methods for likelihood profiles
qAIC Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
qAIC-method Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
qAIC-methods Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
qAICc Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
qAICc-method Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
qAICc-methods Log likelihoods and model selection for mle2 objects
relist2 reconstruct the structure of a list
residuals-method Predicted values from an mle2 fit
sbeta Abstract definitions of distributions
sbetabinom Abstract definitions of distributions
sbinom Abstract definitions of distributions
show-method Class "mle2". Result of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
show-method Methods for likelihood profiles
show-method Class "summary.mle2", summary of "mle2" objects
simulate-method Predicted values from an mle2 fit
slice Calculate likelihood "slices"
slice-method Class "mle2". Result of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
slice.mle2-class likelihood-surface slices
slice1D Calculate likelihood "slices"
slice2D Calculate likelihood "slices"
sliceOld Calculate likelihood "slices"
slicetrans Calculate likelihood "slices"
slnorm Abstract definitions of distributions
snbinom Abstract definitions of distributions
snorm Abstract definitions of distributions
spois Abstract definitions of distributions
stdEr Class "mle2". Result of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
stdEr-method Class "mle2". Result of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
strwrapx Wrap strings at white space and + symbols
summary-method Class "mle2". Result of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
summary.mle2-class Class "summary.mle2", summary of "mle2" objects
update-method Class "mle2". Result of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
vcov-method Class "mle2". Result of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.