Miscellaneous Basic Functions

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Documentation for package ‘bazar’ version 1.0.11

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bazar-package bazar: miscellaneous basic functions
%:% If-Then-Else ternary operator
%?% If-Then-Else ternary operator
%nin% Value matching
almost.equal Test (almost) equality of numeric values
almost.unique Almost unique elements
almost.unique.default Almost unique elements
almost.zero Test if values of a vector are almost zero
as.empty Convert to an empty object
as.empty.data.frame Convert to an empty object
as.empty.default Convert to an empty object
as.fun Convert object to function
as.fun.call Convert object to function
as.fun.character Convert object to function
as.fun.complex Convert object to function
as.fun.data.frame Convert object to function
as.fun.default Convert object to function
as.fun.factor Convert object to function
as.fun.lm Convert object to function
as.fun.logical Convert object to function
as.fun.name Convert object to function
as.fun.numeric Convert object to function
as.fun.rpart Convert object to function
as.na Transform values to NA
as.na.data.frame Transform values to NA
as.na.default Transform values to NA
as.na.list Transform values to NA
as.nlist Named lists
as.wholenumber Test if the values of a vector are whole numbers
bazar bazar: miscellaneous basic functions
bot Top or bottom element of an object
concat String concatenation
concat0 String concatenation
concat_ String concatenation
Copy Copy data to the clipboard
erase Delete objects
get_all_funs Functions exported by a package
get_all_pkgs Packages exporting a function
get_vars Get formula variables
is.empty Test emptyness
is.empty.data.frame Test emptyness
is.empty.default Test emptyness
is.formula Test if an object is a formula
is.nlist Named lists
is.wholenumber Test if the values of a vector are whole numbers
isNA Test if NA
library_with_dep Loading/Attaching and listing of packages with dependencies
make_idx Moving windows with custom function
mgsub Multiple gsub
nlist Named lists
normalize Normalize a numeric vector
pause Have a rest, make a pause
require_with_dep Loading/Attaching and listing of packages with dependencies
rle2 Run length encoding (modified version)
rollfun Moving windows with custom function
sessionPackages Shows packages attached to the current R session
stopif Ensure that R expressions are false
sumNA Modified sum of vector elements
top Top or bottom element of an object
trim Removes extra whitespaces from a string
unwhich Quasi-inverse of the 'which' function
verlan Back slang