Plotting for Bayesian Models

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Documentation for package ‘bayesplot’ version 1.11.1

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bayesplot-package *bayesplot*: Plotting for Bayesian Models

-- A --

abline_01 Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
available_mcmc Get or view the names of available plotting or data functions
available_ppc Get or view the names of available plotting or data functions
available_ppd Get or view the names of available plotting or data functions

-- B --

bayesplot *bayesplot*: Plotting for Bayesian Models
bayesplot-colors Set, get, or view *bayesplot* color schemes
bayesplot-extractors Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
bayesplot-helpers Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
bayesplot_grid Arrange plots in a grid
bayesplot_theme_get Get, set, and modify the active *bayesplot* theme
bayesplot_theme_replace Get, set, and modify the active *bayesplot* theme
bayesplot_theme_set Get, set, and modify the active *bayesplot* theme
bayesplot_theme_update Get, set, and modify the active *bayesplot* theme

-- C --

color_scheme_get Set, get, or view *bayesplot* color schemes
color_scheme_set Set, get, or view *bayesplot* color schemes
color_scheme_view Set, get, or view *bayesplot* color schemes

-- F --

facet_bg Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
facet_text Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details

-- G --

grid_lines Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details

-- H --

hline_0 Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
hline_at Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details

-- L --

lbub Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
legend_move Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
legend_none Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
legend_text Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
log_posterior Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
log_posterior.CmdStanMCMC Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
log_posterior.stanfit Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
log_posterior.stanreg Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects

-- M --

MCMC Plots for Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations
MCMC-combos Combination plots
MCMC-diagnostics General MCMC diagnostics
MCMC-distributions Histograms and kernel density plots of MCMC draws
MCMC-intervals Plot interval estimates from MCMC draws
MCMC-nuts Diagnostic plots for the No-U-Turn-Sampler (NUTS)
MCMC-overview Plots for Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations
MCMC-parcoord Parallel coordinates plot of MCMC draws
MCMC-recover Compare MCMC estimates to "true" parameter values
MCMC-scatterplots Scatterplots of MCMC draws
MCMC-traces Trace and rank plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_acf General MCMC diagnostics
mcmc_acf_bar General MCMC diagnostics
mcmc_areas Plot interval estimates from MCMC draws
mcmc_areas_data Plot interval estimates from MCMC draws
mcmc_areas_ridges Plot interval estimates from MCMC draws
mcmc_areas_ridges_data Plot interval estimates from MCMC draws
mcmc_combo Combination plots
mcmc_dens Histograms and kernel density plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_dens_chains Histograms and kernel density plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_dens_chains_data Histograms and kernel density plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_dens_overlay Histograms and kernel density plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_hex Scatterplots of MCMC draws
mcmc_hist Histograms and kernel density plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_hist_by_chain Histograms and kernel density plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_intervals Plot interval estimates from MCMC draws
mcmc_intervals_data Plot interval estimates from MCMC draws
mcmc_neff General MCMC diagnostics
mcmc_neff_data General MCMC diagnostics
mcmc_neff_hist General MCMC diagnostics
mcmc_nuts_acceptance Diagnostic plots for the No-U-Turn-Sampler (NUTS)
mcmc_nuts_divergence Diagnostic plots for the No-U-Turn-Sampler (NUTS)
mcmc_nuts_energy Diagnostic plots for the No-U-Turn-Sampler (NUTS)
mcmc_nuts_stepsize Diagnostic plots for the No-U-Turn-Sampler (NUTS)
mcmc_nuts_treedepth Diagnostic plots for the No-U-Turn-Sampler (NUTS)
mcmc_pairs Scatterplots of MCMC draws
mcmc_parcoord Parallel coordinates plot of MCMC draws
mcmc_parcoord_data Parallel coordinates plot of MCMC draws
mcmc_rank_ecdf Trace and rank plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_rank_hist Trace and rank plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_rank_overlay Trace and rank plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_recover_hist Compare MCMC estimates to "true" parameter values
mcmc_recover_intervals Compare MCMC estimates to "true" parameter values
mcmc_recover_scatter Compare MCMC estimates to "true" parameter values
mcmc_rhat General MCMC diagnostics
mcmc_rhat_data General MCMC diagnostics
mcmc_rhat_hist General MCMC diagnostics
mcmc_scatter Scatterplots of MCMC draws
mcmc_trace Trace and rank plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_trace_data Trace and rank plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_trace_highlight Trace and rank plots of MCMC draws
mcmc_violin Histograms and kernel density plots of MCMC draws

-- N --

neff_ratio Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
neff_ratio.CmdStanMCMC Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
neff_ratio.stanfit Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
neff_ratio.stanreg Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
NUTS Diagnostic plots for the No-U-Turn-Sampler (NUTS)
nuts_params Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
nuts_params.CmdStanMCMC Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
nuts_params.list Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
nuts_params.stanfit Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
nuts_params.stanreg Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects

-- O --

overlay_function Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details

-- P --

pairs_condition Scatterplots of MCMC draws
pairs_style_np Scatterplots of MCMC draws
panel_bg Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
param_glue Tidy parameter selection
param_range Tidy parameter selection
parcoord_style_np Parallel coordinates plot of MCMC draws
plot_bg Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
PPC Graphical posterior predictive checking
PPC-censoring PPC censoring
PPC-discrete PPCs for discrete outcomes
PPC-distributions PPC distributions
PPC-errors PPC errors
PPC-intervals PPC intervals
PPC-loo LOO predictive checks
PPC-overview Graphical posterior predictive checking
PPC-scatterplots PPC scatterplots
PPC-statistics PPC test statistics
PPC-test-statistics PPC test statistics
ppc_bars PPCs for discrete outcomes
ppc_bars_data PPCs for discrete outcomes
ppc_bars_grouped PPCs for discrete outcomes
ppc_boxplot PPC distributions
ppc_data PPC distributions
ppc_dens PPC distributions
ppc_dens_overlay PPC distributions
ppc_dens_overlay_grouped PPC distributions
ppc_ecdf_overlay PPC distributions
ppc_ecdf_overlay_grouped PPC distributions
ppc_error_binned PPC errors
ppc_error_data PPC errors
ppc_error_hist PPC errors
ppc_error_hist_grouped PPC errors
ppc_error_scatter PPC errors
ppc_error_scatter_avg PPC errors
ppc_error_scatter_avg_grouped PPC errors
ppc_error_scatter_avg_vs_x PPC errors
ppc_freqpoly PPC distributions
ppc_freqpoly_grouped PPC distributions
ppc_hist PPC distributions
ppc_intervals PPC intervals
ppc_intervals_data PPC intervals
ppc_intervals_grouped PPC intervals
ppc_km_overlay PPC censoring
ppc_km_overlay_grouped PPC censoring
ppc_loo_intervals LOO predictive checks
ppc_loo_pit LOO predictive checks
ppc_loo_pit_data LOO predictive checks
ppc_loo_pit_overlay LOO predictive checks
ppc_loo_pit_qq LOO predictive checks
ppc_loo_ribbon LOO predictive checks
ppc_pit_ecdf PPC distributions
ppc_pit_ecdf_grouped PPC distributions
ppc_ribbon PPC intervals
ppc_ribbon_data PPC intervals
ppc_ribbon_grouped PPC intervals
ppc_rootogram PPCs for discrete outcomes
ppc_scatter PPC scatterplots
ppc_scatter_avg PPC scatterplots
ppc_scatter_avg_data PPC scatterplots
ppc_scatter_avg_grouped PPC scatterplots
ppc_scatter_data PPC scatterplots
ppc_stat PPC test statistics
ppc_stat_2d PPC test statistics
ppc_stat_data PPC test statistics
ppc_stat_freqpoly PPC test statistics
ppc_stat_freqpoly_grouped PPC test statistics
ppc_stat_grouped PPC test statistics
ppc_violin_grouped PPC distributions
PPD Plots of posterior or prior predictive distributions
PPD-distributions PPD distributions
PPD-intervals PPD intervals
PPD-overview Plots of posterior or prior predictive distributions
PPD-statistics PPD test statistics
PPD-test-statistics PPD test statistics
ppd_boxplot PPD distributions
ppd_data PPD distributions
ppd_dens PPD distributions
ppd_dens_overlay PPD distributions
ppd_ecdf_overlay PPD distributions
ppd_freqpoly PPD distributions
ppd_freqpoly_grouped PPD distributions
ppd_hist PPD distributions
ppd_intervals PPD intervals
ppd_intervals_data PPD intervals
ppd_intervals_grouped PPD intervals
ppd_ribbon PPD intervals
ppd_ribbon_data PPD intervals
ppd_ribbon_grouped PPD intervals
ppd_stat PPD test statistics
ppd_stat_2d PPD test statistics
ppd_stat_data PPD test statistics
ppd_stat_freqpoly PPD test statistics
ppd_stat_freqpoly_grouped PPD test statistics
ppd_stat_grouped PPD test statistics
pp_check Posterior (or prior) predictive checks (S3 generic and default method)
pp_check.default Posterior (or prior) predictive checks (S3 generic and default method)

-- R --

rhat Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
rhat.CmdStanMCMC Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
rhat.stanfit Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
rhat.stanreg Extract quantities needed for plotting from model objects

-- S --

scatter_style_np Scatterplots of MCMC draws

-- T --

theme_default Default *bayesplot* plotting theme
tidy-params Tidy parameter selection
trace_style_np Trace and rank plots of MCMC draws

-- V --

vline_0 Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
vline_at Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details

-- X --

xaxis_text Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
xaxis_ticks Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
xaxis_title Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details

-- Y --

yaxis_text Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
yaxis_ticks Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details
yaxis_title Convenience functions for adding or changing plot details