specify_prior_sigma {bayesianVARs}R Documentation

Specify prior on Sigma


Configures prior on the variance-covariance of the VAR.


  data = NULL,
  M = ncol(data),
  type = c("factor", "cholesky"),
  factor_factors = 1L,
  factor_restrict = c("none", "upper"),
  factor_priorfacloadtype = c("rowwiseng", "colwiseng", "normal"),
  factor_priorfacload = 0.1,
  factor_facloadtol = 1e-18,
  factor_priorng = c(1, 1),
  factor_priormu = c(0, 10),
  factor_priorphiidi = c(10, 3),
  factor_priorphifac = c(10, 3),
  factor_priorsigmaidi = 1,
  factor_priorsigmafac = 1,
  factor_priorh0idi = "stationary",
  factor_priorh0fac = "stationary",
  factor_heteroskedastic = TRUE,
  factor_priorhomoskedastic = NA,
  factor_interweaving = 4,
  cholesky_U_prior = c("HS", "DL", "R2D2", "NG", "SSVS", "normal", "HMP"),
  cholesky_U_tol = 1e-18,
  cholesky_heteroscedastic = TRUE,
  cholesky_priormu = c(0, 100),
  cholesky_priorphi = c(20, 1.5),
  cholesky_priorsigma2 = c(0.5, 0.5),
  cholesky_priorh0 = "stationary",
  cholesky_priorhomoscedastic = as.numeric(NA),
  cholesky_DL_a = "1/n",
  cholesky_DL_tol = 0,
  cholesky_R2D2_a = 0.4,
  cholesky_R2D2_b = 0.5,
  cholesky_R2D2_tol = 0,
  cholesky_NG_a = 0.5,
  cholesky_NG_b = 0.5,
  cholesky_NG_c = 0.5,
  cholesky_NG_tol = 0,
  cholesky_SSVS_c0 = 0.001,
  cholesky_SSVS_c1 = 1,
  cholesky_SSVS_p = 0.5,
  cholesky_HMP_lambda3 = c(0.01, 0.01),
  cholesky_normal_sds = 10,
  expert_sv_offset = 0,
  quiet = FALSE,



Optional. Data matrix (can be a time series object). Each of MM columns is assumed to contain a single time-series of length TT.


positive integer indicating the number of time-series of the VAR.


character, one of "factor" (the default) or "cholesky", indicating which decomposition to be applied to the covariance-matrix.


Number of latent factors to be estimated. Only required if type="factor".


Either "upper" or "none", indicating whether the factor loadings matrix should be restricted to have zeros above the diagonal ("upper") or whether all elements should be estimated from the data ("none"). Setting restrict to "upper" often stabilizes MCMC estimation and can be important for identifying the factor loadings matrix, however, it generally is a strong prior assumption. Setting restrict to "none" is usually the preferred option if identification of the factor loadings matrix is of less concern but covariance estimation or prediction is the goal. Only required if type="factor".


Can be "normal", "rowwiseng", "colwiseng". Only required if type="factor".


Normal prior. The value of priorfacload is interpreted as the standard deviations of the Gaussian prior distributions for the factor loadings.


Row-wise Normal-Gamma prior. The value of priorfacload is interpreted as the shrinkage parameter a.


Column-wise Normal-Gamma prior. The value of priorfacload is interpreted as the shrinkage parameter a.

For details please see Kastner (2019).


Either a matrix of dimensions M times factor_factors with positive elements or a single number (which will be recycled accordingly). Only required if type="factor". The meaning of factor_priorfacload depends on the setting of factor_priorfacloadtype and is explained there.


Minimum number that the absolute value of a factor loadings draw can take. Prevents numerical issues that can appear when strong shrinkage is enforced if chosen to be greater than zero. Only required if type="factor".


Two-element vector with positive entries indicating the Normal-Gamma prior's hyperhyperparameters c and d (cf. Kastner (2019)). Only required if type="factor".


Vector of length 2 denoting prior mean and standard deviation for unconditional levels of the idiosyncratic log variance processes. Only required if type="factor".


Vector of length 2, indicating the shape parameters for the Beta prior distributions of the transformed parameters (phi+1)/2, where phi denotes the persistence of the idiosyncratic log variances. Only required if type="factor".


Vector of length 2, indicating the shape parameters for the Beta prior distributions of the transformed parameters (phi+1)/2, where phi denotes the persistence of the factor log variances. Only required if type="factor".


Vector of length M containing the prior volatilities of log variances. If factor_priorsigmaidi has exactly one element, it will be recycled for all idiosyncratic log variances. Only required if type="factor".


Vector of length factor_factors containing the prior volatilities of log variances. If factor_priorsigmafac has exactly one element, it will be recycled for all factor log variances. Only required if type="factor".


Vector of length 1 or M, containing information about the Gaussian prior for the initial idiosyncratic log variances. Only required if type="factor". If an element of factor_priorh0idi is a nonnegative number, the conditional prior of the corresponding initial log variance h0 is assumed to be Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation factor_priorh0idi times sigmasigma. If an element of factor_priorh0idi is the string 'stationary', the prior of the corresponding initial log volatility is taken to be from the stationary distribution, i.e. h0 is assumed to be Gaussian with mean 0 and variance sigma2/(1phi2)sigma^2/(1-phi^2).


Vector of length 1 or factor_factors, containing information about the Gaussian prior for the initial factor log variances. Only required if type="factor". If an element of factor_priorh0fac is a nonnegative number, the conditional prior of the corresponding initial log variance h0 is assumed to be Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation factor_priorh0fac times sigmasigma. If an element of factor_priorh0fac is the string 'stationary', the prior of the corresponding initial log volatility is taken to be from the stationary distribution, i.e. h0 is assumed to be Gaussian with mean 0 and variance sigma2/(1phi2)sigma^2/(1-phi^2).


Vector of length 1, 2, or M + factor_factors, containing logical values indicating whether time-varying (factor_heteroskedastic = TRUE) or constant (factor_heteroskedastic = FALSE) variance should be estimated. If factor_heteroskedastic is of length 2 it will be recycled accordingly, whereby the first element is used for all idiosyncratic variances and the second element is used for all factor variances. Only required if type="factor".


Only used if at least one element of factor_heteroskedastic is set to FALSE. In that case, factor_priorhomoskedastic must be a matrix with positive entries and dimension c(M, 2). Values in column 1 will be interpreted as the shape and values in column 2 will be interpreted as the rate parameter of the corresponding inverse gamma prior distribution of the idiosyncratic variances. Only required if type="factor".


The following values for interweaving the factor loadings are accepted (Only required if type="factor"):


No interweaving.


Shallow interweaving through the diagonal entries.


Deep interweaving through the diagonal entries.


Shallow interweaving through the largest absolute entries in each column.


Deep interweaving through the largest absolute entries in each column.

For details please see Kastner et al. (2017). A value of 4 is the highly recommended default.


character, one of "HS", "R2D2", "NG", "DL", "SSVS", "HMP" or "normal". Only required if type="cholesky".


Minimum number that the absolute value of an free off-diagonal element of an UU-draw can take. Prevents numerical issues that can appear when strong shrinkage is enforced if chosen to be greater than zero. Only required if type="cholesky".


single logical indicating whether time-varying (cholesky_heteroscedastic = TRUE) or constant (cholesky_heteroscedastic = FALSE) variance should be estimated. Only required if type="cholesky".


Vector of length 2 denoting prior mean and standard deviation for unconditional levels of the log variance processes. Only required if type="cholesky".


Vector of length 2, indicating the shape parameters for the Beta prior distributions of the transformed parameters (phi+1)/2, where phi denotes the persistence of the log variances. Only required if type="cholesky".


Vector of length 2, indicating the shape and the rate for the Gamma prior distributions on the variance of the log variance processes. (Currently only one global setting for all MM processes is supported). Only required if type="cholesky".


Vector of length 1 or M, containing information about the Gaussian prior for the initial idiosyncratic log variances. Only required if type="cholesky". If an element of cholesky_priorh0 is a nonnegative number, the conditional prior of the corresponding initial log variance h0 is assumed to be Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation cholesky_priorh0 times sigmasigma. If an element of cholesky_priorh0 is the string 'stationary', the prior of the corresponding initial log volatility is taken to be from the stationary distribution, i.e. h0 is assumed to be Gaussian with mean 0 and variance sigma2/(1phi2)sigma^2/(1-phi^2).


Only used if cholesky_heteroscedastic=FALSE. In that case, cholesky_priorhomoscedastic must be a matrix with positive entries and dimension c(M, 2). Values in column 1 will be interpreted as the shape and values in column 2 will be interpreted as the scale parameter of the corresponding inverse gamma prior distribution of the variances. Only required if type="cholesky".


(Single) positive real number. The value is interpreted as the concentration parameter for the local scales. Smaller values enforce heavier shrinkage. A matrix of dimension c(s,2) specifies a discrete hyperprior, where the first column contains s support points and the second column contains the associated prior probabilities. cholesky_DL_a has only to be specified if cholesky_U_prior="DL".


Minimum number that a parameter draw of one of the shrinking parameters of the Dirichlet Laplace prior can take. Prevents numerical issues that can appear when strong shrinkage is enforced if chosen to be greater than zero. DL_tol has only to be specified if cholesky_U_prior="DL".


(Single) positive real number. The value is interpreted as the concentration parameter for the local scales. Smaller values enforce heavier shrinkage. A matrix of dimension c(s,2) specifies a discrete hyperprior, where the first column contains s support points and the second column contains the associated prior probabilities. cholesky_R2D2_a has only to be specified if cholesky_U_prior="R2D2".


single positive number, where greater values indicate heavier regularization. cholesky_R2D2_b has only to be specified if cholesky_U_prior="R2D2".


Minimum number that a parameter draw of one of the shrinking parameters of the R2D2 prior can take. Prevents numerical issues that can appear when strong shrinkage is enforced if chosen to be greater than zero. cholesky_R2D2_tol has only to be specified if cholesky_U_prior="R2D2".


(Single) positive real number. The value is interpreted as the concentration parameter for the local scales. Smaller values enforce heavier shrinkage. A matrix of dimension c(s,2) specifies a discrete hyperprior, where the first column contains s support points and the second column contains the associated prior probabilities. cholesky_NG_a has only to be specified if cholesky_U_prior="NG".


(Single) positive real number. The value indicates the shape parameter of the inverse gamma prior on the global scales. cholesky_NG_b has only to be specified if cholesky_U_prior="NG".


(Single) positive real number. The value indicates the scale parameter of the inverse gamma prior on the global scales. Expert option would be to set the scale parameter proportional to NG_a. E.g. in the case where a discrete hyperprior for NG_a is chosen, a desired proportion of let's say 0.2 is achieved by setting NG_c="0.2a" (character input!). cholesky_NG_c has only to be specified if cholesky_U_prior="NG".


Minimum number that a parameter draw of one of the shrinking parameters of the normal-gamma prior can take. Prevents numerical issues that can appear when strong shrinkage is enforced if chosen to be greater than zero. cholesky_NG_tol has only to be specified if cholesky_U_prior="NG".


single positive number indicating the (unscaled) standard deviation of the spike component. cholesky_SSVS_c0 has only to be specified if choleksy_U_prior="SSVS". It should be that SSVSc0SSVSc1SSVS_{c0} \ll SSVS_{c1}!


single positive number indicating the (unscaled) standard deviation of the slab component. cholesky_SSVS_c1 has only to be specified if choleksy_U_prior="SSVS". It should be that SSVSc0SSVSc1SSVS_{c0} \ll SSVS_{c1}!


Either a single positive number in the range ⁠(0,1)⁠ indicating the (fixed) prior inclusion probability of each coefficient. Or numeric vector of length 2 with positive entries indicating the shape parameters of the Beta distribution. In that case a Beta hyperprior is placed on the prior inclusion probability. cholesky_SSVS_p has only to be specified if choleksy_U_prior="SSVS".


numeric vector of length 2. Both entries must be positive. The first indicates the shape and the second the rate of the Gamma hyperprior on the contemporaneous coefficients. cholesky_HMP_lambda3 has only to be specified if choleksy_U_prior="HMP".


numeric vector of length M2M2\frac{M^2-M}{2}, indicating the prior variances for the free off-diagonal elements in UU. A single number will be recycled accordingly! Must be positive. cholesky_normal_sds has only to be specified if choleksy_U_prior="normal".


... Do not use!


logical indicating whether informative output should be omitted.


Do not use!


bvar offers two different specifications for the errors: The user can choose between a factor stochastic volatility structure or a cholesky stochastic volatility structure. In both cases the disturbances ϵt\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_t are assumed to follow a MM-dimensional multivariate normal distribution with zero mean and variance-covariance matrix Σt\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_t. In case of the cholesky specification Σt=U1DtU1\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_t = \boldsymbol{U}^{\prime -1} \boldsymbol{D}_t \boldsymbol{U}^{-1}, where U1\boldsymbol{U}^{-1} is upper unitriangular (with ones on the diagonal). The diagonal matrix Dt\boldsymbol{D}_t depends upon latent log-variances, i.e. Dt=diag(exp(h1t),,exp(hMt)\boldsymbol{D}_t=diag(exp(h_{1t}),\dots, exp(h_{Mt}). The log-variances follow a priori independent autoregressive processes hitN(μi+ϕi(hi,t1μi),σi2)h_{it}\sim N(\mu_i + \phi_i(h_{i,t-1}-\mu_i),\sigma_i^2) for i=1,,Mi=1,\dots,M. In case of the factor structure, Σt=ΛVtΛ+Gt\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_t = \boldsymbol{\Lambda} \boldsymbol{V}_t \boldsymbol{\Lambda}^\prime + \boldsymbol{G}_t. The diagonal matrices Vt\boldsymbol{V}_t and Gt\boldsymbol{G}_t depend upon latent log-variances, i.e. Gt=diag(exp(h1t),,exp(hMt)\boldsymbol{G}_t=diag(exp(h_{1t}),\dots, exp(h_{Mt}) and Vt=diag(exp(hM+1,t),,exp(hM+r,t)\boldsymbol{V}_t=diag(exp(h_{M+1,t}),\dots, exp(h_{M+r,t}). The log-variances follow a priori independent autoregressive processes hitN(μi+ϕi(hi,t1μi),σi2)h_{it}\sim N(\mu_i + \phi_i(h_{i,t-1}-\mu_i),\sigma_i^2) for i=1,,Mi=1,\dots,M and hM+j,tN(ϕihM+j,t1,σM+j2)h_{M+j,t}\sim N(\phi_ih_{M+j,t-1},\sigma_{M+j}^2) for j=1,,rj=1,\dots,r.


Object of class bayesianVARs_prior_sigma.


Kastner, G. (2019). Sparse Bayesian Time-Varying Covariance Estimation in Many Dimensions Journal of Econometrics, 210(1), 98–115, doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2018.11.007

Kastner, G., Frühwirth-Schnatter, S., and Lopes, H.F. (2017). Efficient Bayesian Inference for Multivariate Factor Stochastic Volatility Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26(4), 905–917, doi:10.1080/10618600.2017.1322091.

See Also



# Access a subset of the usmacro_growth dataset
data <- usmacro_growth[,c("GDPC1", "CPIAUCSL", "FEDFUNDS")]

# examples with stochastic volatility (heteroscedasticity) -----------------
# factor-decomposition with 2 factors and colwise normal-gamma prior on the loadings
sigma_factor_cng_sv <- specify_prior_sigma(data = data, type = "factor",
factor_factors = 2L, factor_priorfacloadtype = "colwiseng", factor_heteroskedastic = TRUE)

# cholesky-decomposition with Dirichlet-Laplace prior on U
sigma_cholesky_dl_sv <- specify_prior_sigma(data = data, type = "cholesky",
cholesky_U_prior = "DL", cholesky_DL_a = 0.5, cholesky_heteroscedastic = TRUE)

# examples without stochastic volatility (homoscedasticity) ----------------
# factor-decomposition with 2 factors and colwise normal-gamma prior on the loadings
sigma_factor_cng <- specify_prior_sigma(data = data, type = "factor",
factor_factors = 2L, factor_priorfacloadtype = "colwiseng",
factor_heteroskedastic = FALSE, factor_priorhomoskedastic = matrix(c(0.5,0.5),
ncol(data), 2))

# cholesky-decomposition with Horseshoe prior on U
sigma_cholesky_dl <- specify_prior_sigma(data = data, type = "cholesky",
cholesky_U_prior = "HS", cholesky_heteroscedastic = FALSE)

# Estimate model with your prior configuration of choice
mod <- bvar(data, prior_sigma = sigma_factor_cng_sv, quiet = TRUE)

[Package bayesianVARs version 0.1.3 Index]