bvar {bayesianVARs}R Documentation

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling for Bayesian Vectorautoregressions


bvar simulates from the joint posterior distribution of the parameters and latent variables and returns the posterior draws.


  lags = 1L,
  draws = 1000L,
  burnin = 1000L,
  thin = 1L,
  prior_intercept = 100,
  prior_phi = specify_prior_phi(data = data, lags = lags, prior = "HS"),
  prior_sigma = specify_prior_sigma(data = data, type = "factor", quiet = TRUE),
  sv_keep = "last",
  quiet = FALSE,
  startvals = list(),
  expert = list()



Data matrix (can be a time series object). Each of MM columns is assumed to contain a single time-series of length TT.


Integer indicating the order of the VAR, i.e. the number of lags of the dependent variables included as predictors.


single integer indicating the number of draws after the burnin


single integer indicating the number of draws discarded as burnin


single integer. Every thinthinth draw will be stored. Default is thin=1L.


Either prior_intercept=FALSE and no constant term (intercept) will be included. Or a numeric vector of length MM indicating the (fixed) prior variances on the constant term. A single number will be recycled accordingly. Default is prior_intercept=100.


bayesianVARs_prior_phi object specifying prior for the reduced form VAR coefficients. Best use constructor specify_prior_phi.


bayesianVARs_prior_sigma object specifying prior for the variance-covariance matrix of the VAR. Best use constructor specify_prior_sigma.


String equal to "all" or "last". In case of sv_keep = "last", the default, only draws for the very last log-variance hTh_T are stored.


logical value indicating whether information about the progress during sampling should be displayed during sampling (default is TRUE).


optional list with starting values.


optional list with expert settings.


The VAR(p) model is of the following form: yt=ι+xtΦ+ϵt \boldsymbol{y}^\prime_t = \boldsymbol{\iota}^\prime + \boldsymbol{x}^\prime_t\boldsymbol{\Phi} + \boldsymbol{\epsilon}^\prime_t, where yt\boldsymbol{y}_t is a MM-dimensional vector of dependent variables and ϵt\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_t is the error term of the same dimension. xt\boldsymbol{x}_t is a K=pMK=pM-dimensional vector containing lagged/past values of the dependent variables ytl\boldsymbol{y}_{t-l} for l=1,,pl=1,\dots,p and ι\boldsymbol{\iota} is a constant term (intercept) of dimension M×1M\times 1. The reduced-form coefficient matrix Φ\boldsymbol{\Phi} is of dimension K×MK \times M.

bvar offers two different specifications for the errors: The user can choose between a factor stochastic volatility structure or a cholesky stochastic volatility structure. In both cases the disturbances ϵt\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_t are assumed to follow a MM-dimensional multivariate normal distribution with zero mean and variance-covariance matrix Σt\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_t. In case of the cholesky specification Σt=U1DtU1\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_t = \boldsymbol{U}^{\prime -1} \boldsymbol{D}_t \boldsymbol{U}^{-1}, where U1\boldsymbol{U}^{-1} is upper unitriangular (with ones on the diagonal). The diagonal matrix Dt\boldsymbol{D}_t depends upon latent log-variances, i.e. Dt=diag(exp(h1t),,exp(hMt)\boldsymbol{D}_t=diag(exp(h_{1t}),\dots, exp(h_{Mt}). The log-variances follow a priori independent autoregressive processes hitN(μi+ϕi(hi,t1μi),σi2)h_{it}\sim N(\mu_i + \phi_i(h_{i,t-1}-\mu_i),\sigma_i^2) for i=1,,Mi=1,\dots,M. In case of the factor structure, Σt=ΛVtΛ+Gt\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_t = \boldsymbol{\Lambda} \boldsymbol{V}_t \boldsymbol{\Lambda}^\prime + \boldsymbol{G}_t. The diagonal matrices Vt\boldsymbol{V}_t and Gt\boldsymbol{G}_t depend upon latent log-variances, i.e. Gt=diag(exp(h1t),,exp(hMt)\boldsymbol{G}_t=diag(exp(h_{1t}),\dots, exp(h_{Mt}) and Vt=diag(exp(hM+1,t),,exp(hM+r,t)\boldsymbol{V}_t=diag(exp(h_{M+1,t}),\dots, exp(h_{M+r,t}). The log-variances follow a priori independent autoregressive processes hitN(μi+ϕi(hi,t1μi),σi2)h_{it}\sim N(\mu_i + \phi_i(h_{i,t-1}-\mu_i),\sigma_i^2) for i=1,,Mi=1,\dots,M and hM+j,tN(ϕihM+j,t1,σM+j2)h_{M+j,t}\sim N(\phi_ih_{M+j,t-1},\sigma_{M+j}^2) for j=1,,rj=1,\dots,r.


An object of type bayesianVARs_bvar, a list containing the following objects:

MCMC algorithm

To sample efficiently the reduced-form VAR coefficients assuming a factor structure for the errors, the equation per equation algorithm in Kastner & Huber (2020) is implemented. All parameters and latent variables associated with the factor-structure are sampled using package factorstochvol-package's function update_fsv callable on the C-level only.

To sample efficiently the reduced-form VAR coefficients, assuming a cholesky-structure for the errors, the corrected triangular algorithm in Carriero et al. (2021) is implemented. The SV parameters and latent variables are sampled using package stochvol's update_fast_sv function. The precision parameters, i.e. the free off-diagonal elements in U\boldsymbol{U}, are sampled as in Cogley and Sargent (2005).


Gruber, L. and Kastner, G. (2023). Forecasting macroeconomic data with Bayesian VARs: Sparse or dense? It depends! arXiv:2206.04902.

Kastner, G. and Huber, F. Sparse (2020). Bayesian vector autoregressions in huge dimensions. Journal of Forecasting. 39, 1142–1165, doi:10.1002/for.2680.

Kastner, G. (2019). Sparse Bayesian Time-Varying Covariance Estimation in Many Dimensions Journal of Econometrics, 210(1), 98–115, doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2018.11.007.

Carriero, A. and Chan, J. and Clark, T. E. and Marcellino, M. (2021). Corrigendum to “Large Bayesian vector autoregressions with stochastic volatility and non-conjugate priors” [J. Econometrics 212 (1) (2019) 137–154]. Journal of Econometrics, doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2021.11.010.

Cogley, S. and Sargent, T. (2005). Drifts and volatilities: monetary policies and outcomes in the post WWII US. Review of Economic Dynamics, 8, 262–302, doi:10.1016/

Hosszejni, D. and Kastner, G. (2021). Modeling Univariate and Multivariate Stochastic Volatility in R with stochvol and factorstochvol. Journal of Statistical Software, 100, 1–-34. doi:10.18637/jss.v100.i12.

See Also


# Access a subset of the usmacro_growth dataset
data <- usmacro_growth[,c("GDPC1", "CPIAUCSL", "FEDFUNDS")]

# Estimate a model
mod <- bvar(data, sv_keep = "all", quiet = TRUE)

# Plot

# Summary

[Package bayesianVARs version 0.1.3 Index]